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A Heavy RP Linkshell[/align]


In 1.0 Crystalline was a loose association of members from a number of organizations who had no other specific ties to one another than friendship.  Since the Calamity, those members have found themselves coming together once more and find those bonds to one another growing stronger.


Crystalline in 2.0 will be a group that will progress from that loose association of individuals into a unified band of adventurers.  Bound together by friendship and each carrying the cause of laboring under the Twelve, they will - in time - endeavor to bring charity and safety to the good people of Eorzea.


This progression of our company from its loose sense of purpose to a more structured and focused company will happen somewhat gradually over a period of time.  Those wheels, as it happens, are already in motion and we are hoping to be officially founded sometime in mid-to-late August.


It should be noted that our recruitment is temporarily set to 'By Invitation Only'.  While previously closed, we are looking for ways to incorporate those prospective members who have shown interest into our ranks in as realistic a manner as possible.  Since we already have a handful of newer members who were not participating with us from 1.0, we would like for this process to be as gradual and to flow as naturally as possible.  With each linkpearl that is handed out comes also a story for how that came to pass, and for us that is a very important element of what we are striving to become.


We eagerly look forward to updating this listing when the company is officially founded in-character and opening our doors more fully to those new members who would be interested in joining us.  In the meantime, if you are interested in joining our group than we would love to get to know you!  Please visit our forums at the link below in introduce yourself so that we may get to know you and so that you may get to know us as well!


For more information we welcome you to visit our website or our discussion forums where, upon forum registration, questions may be posted by anyone.  Questions may also be directed to Eva Ianeira if you prefer.




Crystalline's history actually dates all the way back to 2004 where a handful of RPers from Final Fantasy XI banded together and created a successful LS that would span over six years and encompass several hundred RPers over its lifespan. That Crystalline was open to any interested RPer and the linkshell itself had no real official structure aside from being a mechanism for friends (and some not-so-friendlies) to communicate with each other. It was a time of great growth for many of us, and I'm pleased that some of our former members are a part of its re-imagination for Final Fantasy XIV. A few have even adapted their characters from Crystalline in FFXI (or in some cases their children) to fit the mold of Hydaelyn.


But we should be clear... This is not that Crystalline!


In FFXIV 1.0 the Crystalline linkpearl was handed down from father to daughter, an elezen woman who went by the name Eva, and was gradually distributed to several of her friends. This created a sort of "sub-network" as a way for those with different allegiances and who worked for different companies to keep in contact with each other. It wasn't used often at first, but it was entirely in-character.


Upon the disbandment of Everwatch - a linkshell company based in Gridania - a handful of its former members also received linkpearls in order to maintain contact with one another, along with some new friends Eva made along the way from prior employment and elsewhere. The cloud of uncertainty that hung in the atmosphere, along with the bloated red sphere Dalamud, may have been the reason no effort was undertaken to replace Everwatch; its members instead tending to more pressing concerns than employment.


And then Dalamud fell. And everything changed.


Some mysteriously disappeared; presumed dead by most. Others scattered like leaves on the wind across all of Eorzea, and beyond; trying to piece together their lives after the devastation from that day. Some may say that Crystalline ceased to exist after that. Among the casualties, the amicable duskwight woman who had been instrumental in bringing this group of adventurers and friends together seemed lost. And those who fled or survived the destruction found that their linkpearls had faded from vibrant blue to a dull gray.


Nymeia's threads may form strange patterns, but some would argue those patterns are never woven without very good reason.




The future is a tome unwritten, and part of what we hope will make Crystalline such a unique and wonderful experience for our members is that this organization will be concocted by its members, in-character, and gradually over a period of time.


It is very difficult for us to report exactly what Crystalline will be as it has not officially been formed, and we don't want to hash over the details too much out-of-character so as to let the pieces fall as they will in-character.


This is also why recruitment is in a sort of temporarily state of being 'By Invitation Only.' There is technically no linkshell to join in-character right now, though we welcome visitors to our site and forums to browse around and many of us remain active here on the RPC.


What we have sort of pegged down so far is vague, and this is by design. Crystalline right now is an amorphous thing; more a concept waiting to be realized than an actual organization. Given Eva's traits we believe it's fair to say that Crystalline will be a linkshell with a strong spiritual center with a heavy focus on the Twelve and religion. We also feel confident that this will give way to charitable deeds so we've been toting Crystalline as a charitable organization with a strong spiritual core that simply doesn't exist yet.


We have no intention of regarding ourselves as "the chosen ones" or any other such nonsense. Additionally, we have no expectation that all members be devout followers of the Twelve. It is entirely likely that some may favor the charity side of the organization without being particularly religious in their beliefs. We are hoping to be fairly accommodating in our approach to integrate those with us who are interested in being involved with something like this, once we open ourselves up to new members.


But in time it will be born naturally and grow and evolve naturally and we're hoping that within a couple months we'll be able to open our doors to those who wish to join us. It is just very important to us during this transitional time to keep the progression of events surrounding the creation of this linkshell company as realistic and natural as is possible.


More information is enclosed in THIS THREAD posted several months back when this concept was first imagined. While a bit dated, it does give a rough idea of our approach.


Moreover, we have not entirely discussed how involved we will be with progression/endgame. We admit this is an important part of the experience and will likely be involved with some degree of events - though this is not the primary purpose of this community and may serve as a secondary means for us to interact with each other. It is equally possible we may partner up with a "sister shell" for endgame type activity instead. While not a focus, there should be no assumption made that the Crystalline LS or its members are unconcerned with the advancement of our levels and participation in endgame types of activities. We are all very much looking forward to that facet of the game as well!


Finally, we are all open to RP with those belonging to other linkshells, and we are looking forward to partnering with some of the other linkshells in the community after our official creation to offer aid and support (both IC and OOC!) where it is needed and foster some great opportunities for cross-linkshell role-play interaction. It is our hope that other communities are as enthusiastic about these exchanges as well!



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  • 3 months later...

It seemed like this could use a bump.


First and foremost, we will be playing on the Balmung server.


We've also updated our recruitment status to reflect 'By Invitation Only'. For anyone who may be interested in joining our group, please visit the forums so that you can get to know us a little better and so that we can get to know you as well! We've been cautiously allowing a few members in gradually, and we have a separate setting for prospective or hopeful members which allows access to all the character and LS discussions and planning.


The wheels are in motion and we should be officially founded in-character and open to full recruitment somewhere around mid-to-late-August to coincide with the official launch of the game.


Please feel welcome to peruse our FORUMS - I'd recommend in particular the various Stories and Journals to help get to know some of our members.


As always, if you have any questions at all, please feel welcome to send me a PM.  Thanks!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Testimonial Post:


My time spent with Crystalline has been well received since I first joined them months ago (Jan. 14th, 2013). Eva and her Membership did not view me as a 'Noob' even though I rightfully could be considered such as I've never really played FFXIV until recently. Even though a blunt of their members are Legacy Bound, They have not let that guide them and in fact it has probably made them more acceptance in new comers if anything. If your looking for a solid roleplay community that sticks to Final Fantasy XIV Lore and you are new to the game as I am this group is definitely one to check out!

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  • 3 months later...
  • 6 months later...

Still recruiting, still around! This entry needs updating (revisions are being written) as the company has changed focus from charity to Mercenaries with Morals. Please visit the website for our most current details! :)

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  • 1 month later...

Just a quick blurb:


While we have been lazy with updating this page, Crystalline has and is going through a lot of fun changes as it grows. We hope to get something out here in the near future (we're terribly lazy.. but once we do, you will know! *stern nod*)

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Crystalline - Heavy RP Free Company Looking for New Memberships!


"Hello everyone. I know that I may be fairly new to RPC but I am not new to Balmung nor to the Roleplaying efforts being conducted. In fact Crystalline is one of those very communities that has survived a long time through some hardships and through many good times. With that said we are looking to recruit for the Heart of our Community; Our Free Company."


Our Free Company has been in the past a place for just out of character comments and conversation, that is changing. We will be conducting Out of Character Events such as ST runs, Crystal Tower, Relic Runs for those who may still need them, and so much more. This is in effort to keep people engaged with each other out of character and keep each of us bound to one and another. We will of course be holding plenty of role play events and into the 2nd year of Final Fantasy's XIV life we'll be promoting some public events to include other RP communities with our own. We are excited and looking for other like minded individuals to join our ranks. If your interested please either contact me in game under Costia Demora or go to our website:




Also as an Example of something unique we are doing, We've created things we are calling Story Arcs. Which will be impacted by our members whether directly involved in the event or doing things on there own. Read up here:




More additions to come!

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  • 2 months later...

Its been awhile since my last post here on RPC and that is due in short to the great development of characters and stories that we've had a great deal of joy encountering. We recently have had an influx of new faces join our ranks and have themselves introduced new elements to an old establishment, elements that we've come to embrace and wear as a mantle of pride.


Those following members are:


Cartie Grimshadow

K'hylia Fhey

Jariana Rinjahl

Kai Sephtis


We would like to also make it a point to identify that we are not restricted to just free company involvement. We offer an option for those tied to a free company to enjoy our roleplay and stories, to be apart of our structure through linkpearl as well. Though the rewards may be richer if part of the company directly, there is in no small part a large sense of belonging just being a part of our pearl. If you've got interests in embarking a story of unique characters that span multiple companies and groups perhaps you ought to take the moment to check out our site @ www.crystalline-rp.net or contact any one of the following for more information.


Costia Demora (Crystalline FC Member)

Eva Zelorius (Crystalline FC Member)

John Spiegel (Crystalline FC Member)

Yashiax Ki'lari (Crystalline Linkshell Member)

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  • 4 months later...

We totes are still around, we just seemed to have caught a case of the xenophobia from our proximity to Gridania. Rest assure it is not too contagious.. as a result, Crystalline is still here!


Maybe we will get around to updating the OP.




We've always been a relatively small, but close-knit group. At times we're barely active, other times we're too active. We're consistently inconsistent. But we always pay what is owed... out of your mom's purse.



"Get Busy with Crystalline" -- Pedo-stache'd lallafel.


Our current happenings (as of March 6, 2015):


There has been some hushed words about the recent departure of Costia Demora, the leader of Crystalline, in her putting her fiance in charge of the company. She seeks to enlighten herself on a personal journey. Alex is working on making good on his word to scrounge up more work for the historically workless mercenary company.




That's about all I got. We're still high-immersion group focused on strong following of the lore. Our officers are the same as the last post minus Costia and add a pink-haired Reppu. Any inquiries or funny comments can be directed to our forums (http://www.crystalline-rp.net/) or at me on Skype (john.d.spiegel). We're happy to get involved with other groups but please be gentle, I've no idea what I'm doing right now.



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What we got cooking behind the IC curtain:


We've a number of members in the US and UK timeslots as well as members in either region that have hours of the other region.


While we have been somewhat dragging for awhile, we are currently working on a reliable system of producing a steady supply of jobs for the members that replicate what one would imagine a mercenary company would see day-to-day (mundane jobs to stupid jobs to dangerous jobs...). Lately, I have been giving very lightly-to-no DM'd jobs where the taker can go nuts with the progress and nitty gritty though I do supply stipulations.. I am no D&D'er so it is a learning process. We do have rather talented and elegant folks working on that.


We don't really have much of an over arching story at the moment that is strictly our thing.. we've been talking about just going with the flow and hopefully landing some cross-FC/group thing though there has been an undertone of the upcoming northward problems as well as what was stated earlier with some rocky changes going on. Though individuals do indeed have their own stories going on. Eva's got her relationship issues and children, Caen has been searching for Turk who is uhh currently missing for months and probably dead? Cartie is working on training her mind and body to wield a greatsword and has been actively and passively instructed by her mother, Ki'lari, and her lover John on different aspects of physical combat.


The way our group works is we primarily use a linkpearl though we are also a Free Company. Many of our members are indeed in the Free Company though some long-standing (and indeed officers) are in other FCs for one reason or another. /FC is just an OOC channel for us as well as our group skype chat (that OOC on the go!). We do have a house! Ward 1 plot 15 of Beds! Going to upgrade at some point to a large. Soon, I think? (I should know these things but I totes don't.)


Our process of new membership begins with an IC/OOC application on our forums that is followed by an OOC talk and then an IC interview and pearling.


After usually a few weeks, if the member is in the FC itself, they will be granted access to the chest as well as the ability to get a room and a few other perks locked out to the lowest rank. (Though we are discouraging any members right now to get a room if they don't have one as we will be changing estates before too long!) This is a measure for both parties... if it turns out someone is not a good fit, it is a waste of 300k on their end as well as mild guilt on our end.


Aside from full-membership, the only ranks above that are those of the officers, the in-FC term we use is 'Exemplar' (there are currently two of those) as well as a special rank for the FC founder who passed the torch of leadership due to her IC inadequacies of leading as well as the 'Leader' rank which is meeeeee! Members not in the actual free company are just as important, however. Our two exemplars right now are actually in other free companies (for OOC reasons), so we play no ill towards those in raid FCs or whatever.


I think I covered everything on the surface?



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  • 3 months later...

Brief update of our affairs (17 June, 2015)


At Crystalline's core there are die-hard RPers, gamers and a rotten egg-headed lallafel. Our central goals are to maintain a believable and consistent continuity that changes with the ebb and flow of the members' stories as well as with Eorzea's story itself. We've been around for ages and there's no sight to our demise. Crystalline: Mercenaries with Morals.


and punch and pie



As I am still terrible about writing anything formal for this, I'll simply copy-paste what my most resent admin post on my company's forums. (Link as my siggy and in the OP of this thread).


So with the expansion drawing ever closer, there's a few things I can think of going to affect us as a company both ICly and OOCly. ((Also to totally make it look like I'm a good leader by posting frequent updates on stuff!))


We'll start with the OOC side:



OMFG! New jobs/quests/levels/everything!


The bulk of us, no doubt, will be grinding and exploring all that the northlands have to show.


Some of us have talked about leveling together -- which I hope to do 100% of my leveling with friends in any matter of party configurations.


We're going to keep the EXP FC buff up 24/7 as well as probably the company seal generation bonus up or some other thing.. we're under 200k seals so ideally we'd like to be making more than the cost to keep the buffs up everyday. *cracks whip* Get to work!


There's probably going to be a rather strong dip in RP but I personally will try to make up slack for those that aren't able to experience the xp right off the bat or for those that aren't going to rush things! (I being one of those non-rushers aside from omfg DRK getting)

Guys! Let's level everything together forever! Wooo!



Let's look at the IC side:



A good number of plots will start/explode upon access northward.


John and Cartie are venturing north

John's reason: He just wants to go! Dat adventurer

Cartie's prob gonna pick up some airship designing and stuff, also get more DRKly and whatnot.


The airship bit is pretty much going to start our FC-group airship building I think!


Prob going to end up dragging other characters along.. no set plot, just gonna go and.. well.. adventure.... aka: If you're up north and in trouble, throw up the bat signal call for JJ!


Eva's probably going to have some hardcore soulsearching going on cuz daddy was from Ishgard. Also she's deathly afraid of heights. :D :D :D :D


Some folks have no immediate business northward or aren't adventurers, which is cool!


Down the line, Crystalline will start getting work from the northlands...


Alex asked his father (JJ!!) to pass along the lay of things up there.. what factions are trustworthy and whatnot.. so expect that to take some time at least on my end!

It's good that not everyone suddenly has a plot northward... there will be reason enough for any active member to go there for work if not for their own reasons! Please look forward to it~


So those are some of the high points...



That being said, Crystalline is still open to recruitment but do understand that things will get hellacious when the expansion hits! Much hype! Much excite!

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  • 1 month later...

Semi-Unregular Update!


We are still trucking along and ever changing in our ways. 3.0 brought an overall lull in activity due to the game simply being superb, yet we have seen large scale implications to characters as well as budding relationships, adventures and so on. Our overall "all reaching" plot is rather timid right now, boring you could even say: Pick up jobs from HQ, go do jobs. Not really that exciting but from what I've seen the individual members are really great at bringing things to the table... they help me run this group more than I help!


Our recruitment is still open, and I try to handle applications as they come in and try to get newer folks involved but that annoying thing called "real life" rears its head all the time.


Inquire at our website, with me on this site, on skype (john.d.spiegel) or in-game (my characters Alex Windfist or John Spiegel) or Yashaix Ki'lari, who is around way too much too. I am almost always available to chat for curious members or possible cross-company RP!

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It has always been both a LS and a FC (the RP action takes place either in-person or over the LS channel though and the FC channel is used for OOC talk and discussion about the house layout, airship expeditions, chocobo stables and krakka feeding, and other FC-specific stuff that doesn't really touch the RP at all)!


You can stop by the enjin forum page on the OP or visit us at Lavender Beds, Ward 1 Plot 15.  Or shoot a /tell to Alex Windfist, John Spiegel, or Eva Zelorius.  :thumbsup:

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  • 6 months later...

(Thanks UM!)


Another year, another successful Starlight party hosted by our "bestest adventurer" K'hylia. (https://gyazo.com/71a94bc691d626181d4b70072b1e5f53 for the hugbox to end all hugboxes)


I'm not big on advertising promises since for the longest time I personally have been a cluster with my worklife but I'm one month in on a new job and the realization I'll be having a solid schedule in the very near future, I hope to be more proactive in getting outsiders interested in the company.


We're always welcome to outsiders wanting to do something with a "Mercs with Morals" company (that's us, btw!). Simply drop me a line here on the forums or in-game (John Spiegel or Alex Windfist).


Click the linky in my siggy to get to our website, PM me here, find me in-game or yell really loud from a peak at least 6 km above sea level and I promise you will look silly.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey! I remembered this month! AND it's only a partial copy-paste from our forums!




So March 2016, fresh into patch 3.2 with all that juicy stuff (Hildy, Flying adamantoise, jukebox, and tank tweaks being my personal faves in order).


I am extremely pleased to announce we have had a few contests over the past month, one for our new banner and one for our theme song.


Mackenzie Hawk, our resident midlander novice fighter with a streak for getting her ass handed to her, made this lovely banner which will eventually be put over our website's home page. She saved us all from having Aanzo's banner hang over our website.




As for our other contest, Knotted Ivy, also formerly known as Flandre (and known as Batu as well as Ivy currently), surprised everyone with a song made years ago for the direct predecessor of Crystalline in FFXIV.


Forever Watching as she described, is an unused theme she put together for Crystalline's FFXIV 1.0 predecessor, Everwatch. I hope those that were there in those days feel a tad nostalgic and I hope everyone just gives Ivy hugs for such a rad thing.


While we are not Everwatch, the core of that group lives on as FFXI's Crystalline lived on in Everwatch and its predecessors in 1.0. It's never about the numbers nor popularity or even always having a log on the fire -- it's about having fun through intricate and long-lasting plots that weave into each other in unexpected ways, ever welcoming new faces while paying some quiet homage to days past. That fire beacon in the yard of HQ is just such a homage.


During the early days of 2.0, the old camp of the Everwatch was picked as a little nook in East Shroud where each successive gathering brought more and more of Eva's lost friends together until near everyone was accounted for. New friends came to those as well to the former Everwatch circle. The characters lit a vigil much like we have in the yard now. Ever since we had that housing plot, we have had that vigil burning still for those that came and left and for those that never returned at all from the days of the Calamity.


That's my perspective coming from post-Everwatch times anyways.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello! Just dropping in with a small monthly update.


We are still active and looking for new blood to join us, here is our website in case you may have missed it if you wish to register: http://www.crystalline-rp.net/


To get some more activity going, we have recently started up a weekly voluntary FATE RP event. Over the past few weeks, our beloved leader has lead these events by taking small interested groups to a new part of Eorzea each week. During this event we travel together and help out the locals, take on challenging beasts that have caused a disturbance, or even DMed something completely different.


Though we have a scheduled time and date, we are looking to offer a different time or at least have an updated roster of folks's time for other stuff. Since most of us have crazy schedules, we do not usually rely on being punctual, as such they are voluntary and every member is encouraged to create their own RP.


We hope that peaks peoples interests. If so, our website is above and feel free to contact us in game :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Benevolent Dictator of Crystalline here, since I couldn't push the task on someone else again!


May has shown to be yet another typical moon for us. Little tid bits of individual RPs going on, a planned event this coming Sunday in the mid-afternoon about Little Ala Mhigo. Those random Ala Mhigan RP folk should skulk that out. It's not going to be big or complex, don't be afraid to say hi.


Awhile back, like a year or ten, we made a Skype for the company. About twenty five hours ago we made a Discord channel, evolving out of Skype and it's silly inability to have a mobile app that isn't cluttered and inability to make it dark. So that's been exciting.


That's really all I got. We're really bad and boring. Don't checks us out at http://www.crystalline-rp.net/ and totes don't chat me up via forums. I'm a horrible person.


~See you next month~

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  • 1 month later...

Not really anything super new for June. We're more or less rolling on merrily. Semi regular Sunday RP or content things. Fri-Sat-Sunday availability by at least me for any needs of the company. Various character stories that don't always intertwine within the company.


We're story-driven, not "amount of stuff" driven. We're slow and enjoy quality over quantity... also helps that the majority of us have full-time jobs or dependables, so we don't do the whole 'required to attend' thing.


See you next month~

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  • 4 weeks later...

Making it in just in time for August!


New tag, same old same old!


To differentiate in the sea of tags we're trying out a new tag from a grand total of two people that said to do it when I took a poll (out of two people polled at 1AM... super democratic!).


Crystalline, being the name of our company, shares the namesake with the mineral property... and in geology shorthand, 'crystalline' is commonly written 'xln'. So I got to flex my geologist muscles for giggles. (If you ask me to identify a rock you think is a meteorite, it is always slag.)


New tag, same old same old.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm back for this moon's blurb!


For nearly a cycle we had an unofficial OOC pearl with a group that we loved but they've not been around for ten moons (MMO hoppers!). I made the decision to split from that inactive pearl that none of us had ability to create more pearls for and make a second pearl for Crystalline, an OOC pearl.


While we promote we have a /FC for OOC chat, not every avid member wants to join a non-Raid centered FC. There was much debate back in the day for an OOC pearl or whatever, so I ended up making our initial Skype group. As time passed on, we got that old OOC pearl and then also went from Skype to Discord. I personally want anyone to have a possible vein in either in game or out of game to the group. Some people have 8/8 pearls, some people are on consoles. Whatever!


IC pearl - CHECK (and required! The others aren't to be part of Crystalline)

Discord - Check

/FC chat - Check

OOC pearl - Check


Inquire at me here, ingame (Alex Windfist, John Spiegel, Grace Windfist) or on Skype (john.d.spiegel) or Discord (BadlandsJohn#7312) for any questions or collaborations with a rag tag group of Mercs with Morals!

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  • 1 month later...

What we are:

A small, but marvelous band of blokes. The Company itself, Crystalline, is a mercenary free company with the unofficial tag of "Mercs with Morals" and our members come from all walks of life. Seasoned adventurers. Grand company folks. Fledgling fighters.... who most all share a common goal: Do good things and hopefully get paid.

How to Find Crystalline:

Anyone with the tag.

Our HQ (Ward 1 Plot 15 of Beds).

Me personally (Alex Windfist, John Spiegel, rarely Grace Windfist).

My discord: BadlandsJohn#7312

My skype: john.d.spiegel

My account on the RPC (though admittedly I poke around about once a week)



Back again.


We're still small.


A few of us had a bit of a content hiatus prior to 3.4, personally I worked on Fallout 4 play. Didn't wanna get burnout of XIV!




Our forums' days are numbered. Since we rarely use it anymore we're going to let the bill lapse. This doesn't mean we're a dead company. On the contrary. We have a very active Discord channel for all OOC needs.


We have had a company house in the Lavender Beds for ever and I'd like to think it fits the merc-home meme pretty nicely. Cozy but lore friendly (I redecorated ages ago and am pretty proud of it >.> #ego). Admittedly, with 3.4's release and pre-3.4 we been slow in terms of the RP in house. I'm not sure we can rightfully call ourselves a "heavy RP" company unless the metric is deep stories and dark tones, we got those for dayyyyys. Just sometimes we are playing other video games or watching the new episodes of Jojo.


We have a spotlight time Sunday that most us agreed works usually for the majority of us to either do an RP mission/gathering or for new-newish content. With 3.4 out, we will probably be doing the new Alexander and then the Goddess and RP for those of us that aren't yet sated! ...but weeks Sundays that follow will be just Alexander and RP.


As said in past posts, our overarching story is a collection of personal stories that weave in and out of the spotlight. With the apparent tip towards Ala Mhigo in the future, you can bet your dodo steak that Alex, an Ala Mhigan, will have much to say and desire to do about his homeland and I hope some things happen that get people in the company to see more of that side of Alex. I don't want to spoil that!


Some might find this sort of company a bit boring. You would be right, at times we are boring. The majority of us are post-college adults and have other things we want to do in either the game or real life. We've no mandatory meetings. When there is occasion for one I try to work with as many peoples' schedules as I can but no, since I have been benevolent dictator, I have never and will never force someone to be somewhere for my ego and chest beating needs.

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  • 2 months later...

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