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[Tului Nasan] Blind Xaela Shaman, LF RP!

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Greetings & Salutations![/align]


[align=center]I am looking to make some friends and roleplay connections on my blind Xaela shaman, Tului Nasan! I appreciate you taking the time to read this post and look over my character and OOC information to see if we might be a good fit for one another![/align]






[align=center]I consider myself a fairly easy going person, nothing really ruffles my feathers. I am big on honesty and communication! I roleplay as a way to relax and, while I am passionate about it (very much so!) - it IS just a hobby for me. 


I am currently attending college courses while simultaneously working part-time, both in fields I love: animals! This gives me evening/late night and weekend availability in North American timezones.






Tului Nasan is a Xaela shaman of the (self-made) Tengri tribe that worships the stars and spirits. Her utilization of a sacred, medicinal flower has rendered her blind. Tului's nature tends to be both aloof and motherly, nurturing others while also giving them the space to grow and make their own choices.


Her skills lie in a mix of primitive celestial and elemental magics. As a shaman, she oversees the healing of both the body and spirit of those she comes into contact with. Animal totems and spirit journeys play a major role in her life, but at the moment she is a stranger in a strange land with no connections familiar or otherwise.

(Information about her biology, personality, abilities and tribal culture & beliefs can be found in-depth on her wiki!)




Connections Sought[/align]


[align=center]*OOC Friends: for chatter, gameplay, and such!*

*OOC Artists: I would love to commission art for Tului!*

*IC Friends: Characters that form friendly, respectful bonds.*

*IC Colleagues: Other menders/magicians to work alongside.*

*IC Patients/Students: Those that Tului can help in some way!*





Character Links


Best Method of Contact is through the RPC forums private messages!


*RPC Wiki: Tului Nasan*

*Tumblr: Silver Scales and Tales*[/align]

[align=center]*Enjin: Tului Nasan*[/align]

[align=center]*Discord: Tului Nasan #4883*




Thank you kindly in advance for your time!!!![/align]

[align=center]-Tului Nasan[/align]

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I'm not sure if there's any obvious connections for my gal Kasi, but you're welcome to have a gander at her RPC biography in my signature if you're interested- let me know if something catches your eye! The short of it is that she's a wandering mercenary, trader, and cook. 


The thing that you'd probably be more interested in is ShroudLife, which is a wilderness / roaming RP Linkshell. Originally it was mostly for the Shroud, though as this point we get out about everywhere- just as long as it's outside the cities. You're certainly more than welcome to it if that sounds up your alley!

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Thank you for the information! I joined the ShroudLife discord channel and will look at getting into the linkshell posthaste!


I looked over Kasi's wikipedia page, it's incredibly well-written! I loved the little tidbits of information such as her wheat allergy and love of arm-wrestling!


I definitely would love to roleplay with you. I saw that she takes on contracts for a variety of jobs and that the first one is "always free". If that's still the case, I think it could be a lot of fun to come up with a job/quest that Tului could hire her for if you would be interested! Once the game is up and running again I can try to catch you there, on discord, or private messages!



I am incredibly grateful for your kind comment and am glad you think Tului looks neat! It really brightened up my day!


In return, I looked over both of your character's wikipedia pages linked in your signature! They are both very fascinating characters with interesting histories and personas! I can help find or suggest reasons for interacting with either, or both, and if you like one of the ideas let me know!


*Kodie: Kodie seems like a very friendly character (as noted by the fact he even befriended a voidsent!). It seems like he and Tului would get along well, as she does enjoy conversing with people. I saw that he does not seem to adventure much, but that he spends a lot of time in Limsa. Tului is terrified of the ocean due to her blindness, but does have to venture there on occasion. I could see them meeting as even a nice and simple run-in at the city while she's there and then see what happens?


*Korben: Another Lominsan! This one in the Maelstrom, that's so cool! I am not sure which sorts of direction you like to take your roleplay in with Korben, but I could see it being similar to the above, a chance meeting in Limsa where my character often needs help (she gets lost and overwhelmed/nervous). Perhaps they could need to work together on a job in La Noscea, if he has a small mission as a Maelstrom soldier and she was contracted in.


Let me know if any of those ideas strike your fancy and we can work something out!




I cannot wait to meet and roleplay with both of you! Thank you so very, very much!!


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Thank you for the information! I joined the ShroudLife discord channel and will look at getting into the linkshell posthaste!


I looked over Kasi's wikipedia page, it's incredibly well-written! I loved the little tidbits of information such as her wheat allergy and love of arm-wrestling!


I definitely would love to roleplay with you. I saw that she takes on contracts for a variety of jobs and that the first one is "always free". If that's still the case, I think it could be a lot of fun to come up with a job/quest that Tului could hire her for if you would be interested! Once the game is up and running again I can try to catch you there, on discord, or private messages!



Fantastic! I saw you in the channel so I went ahead and tagged you as Xaela. You should be good to go there- just pester me in-game and I'll get you into the linkshell ASAP! 


Hah, thanks! Glad you liked it! Consider me quite interested in the idea of Kasi running a job for Tului- you can catch me in-game from 5-11 PM CST on the weekdays, all day on the weekends, and of course, also on Discord as well! I'll drop you a message on Discord right now, just so you know where you can get me.

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I am so touched by your kind words, thank you! I hope we may get a chance to RP sometime in the future!




I am overwhelmed and amazed by the positive response I have gotten from the community and will be taking the time to set up roleplays with all of those who have expressed interest! I am so excited I can barely handle it!


The new college semester just started yesterday, so please bear with me while I get used to my schedule and work out times and plotlines/scenes! Please look forward to it!!


I would still be tickled pink by anyone else still expressing desire to set up some roleplay, please do not be shy!


Have a lovely evening, everyone!

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