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Gear that looks like dragonscale armor for ROG/NIN or THM/BLM?

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One of my FC mates is getting Tyll'a some dragonscale armor ICly - now I don't have to worry about his armor burning anymore!  However, as I don't really know most of the armor sets in FF14, I don't know what armor set would be the best.  Ideally, I'd like to find one that works for both my ROG/NIN class and my THM/BLM class, but if that's not possible, I'll settle for one that just works for ROG/NIN.  Does anyone know if such a set exists?  Thanks!

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Best I could suggest for ROG/NIN is the level 56 Titanium set. There's nothing I can think of that would cross between ROG/NIN and THM/BLM, though.


Well, it turns out that Tyll'a just got the dragonscales, and still has to find someone to make them into armor...but I'll definitely consider getting that set!  Thanks!


If you're looking for a skilled smith and are anywhere near Ul'dah (or Limsa, if he's swinging by the Guilds), might I offer a Chachanji?

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I'm not familiar enough with BLM to be helpful there, but for Rogue/Ninja, if you have the lore tomes for it, there's the Torrent Tabard of Scouting for something of a scaley look!




I think it takes a run through Void Ark and Weeping City of Mhach to get a couple tokens to make dyable too if the white/blue doesn't catch your fancy! c:

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Best I could suggest for ROG/NIN is the level 56 Titanium set. There's nothing I can think of that would cross between ROG/NIN and THM/BLM, though.


Well, it turns out that Tyll'a just got the dragonscales, and still has to find someone to make them into armor...but I'll definitely consider getting that set!  Thanks!


If you're looking for a skilled smith and are anywhere near Ul'dah (or Limsa, if he's swinging by the Guilds), might I offer a Chachanji?


If I can't find someone in my FC, I'll definitely look into that!  Thanks!


I'm not familiar enough with BLM to be helpful there, but for Rogue/Ninja, if you have the lore tomes for it, there's the Torrent Tabard of Scouting for something of a scaley look!




I think it takes a run through Void Ark and Weeping City of Mhach to get a couple tokens to make dyable too if the white/blue doesn't catch your fancy! c:


Actually, the white/blue version of that is the armor that I'm replacing with the dragonscale armor.  But I would definitely be up for getting the dyeable version!

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