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Looking to make a connection.

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Hello  everyone,

 Im Kinzie Moqwa, A lonely Miqo'te travailing the lands of Eorzea. I have reached appoint in my life where I wish I had some friends and maybe someone special to spend my time with. Its a harsh world and to live within it by ones self is heartbreaking making you wonder whats it all for? What am I truly fighting for?



I am looking to RP a romantic relationship. Starting out as friends and building from there by exploring, adventuring, and just sitting around an Inn chatting. Any race (besides Lala's) or gender. 18+ only if anyone is interested. ( I know to some this seems to matter even though its all through RP. I am a Female  to plays a Female character. ) I play most the time from 9pm CST till about 2 AM CST.

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I'm always game for new meetings and friendships for my characters! Relationships though...I rather have roleplayed with a person for a while before touching those. Would love some adventuring RP, unfortunately, if romance is needed before anything else I can't help you there.


Feel free to drop me a line if your interested in some RP that isn't necessarily romance thought and best of luck in your search!

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Thank you all for the replies. I am very much open to making friends as well not just exclusively  for a romantic relationship. Its just one of the many things I would like to do at some point. When I found this site I thought id ask and see how it goes. 


I'm not the greatest Role player. My spelling and grammar leave much to be desired.

That being said I do try my best :)

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Thank you all for the replies. I am very much open to making friends as well not just exclusively  for a romantic relationship. Its just one of the many things I would like to do at some point. When I found this site I thought id ask and see how it goes. 


I'm not the greatest Role player. My spelling and grammar leave much to be desired.

That being said I do try my best :)


Don't worry about the grammar and stuff too much, very few RPers started out with ultra precise English. Some people might be sticklers about it, but it should develop over time.


I'm an aspiring writer and a RPer for six years now, mine is still flawed. :D

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As Amnesic said, grammar and the likes will get better over time so don't worry too much about it. For plenty of us, English is a secondary or third language. That said, if you have Discord, my tag is Random Encounter #2480, feel free to add me (Offer is open to anyone else interested too!). Would make chatting about possible RP much easier.

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