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Practicing drawing xD xD

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It looks really good so far for being a beginner! (I'm also a big Mark Crilley fan <3)


I'd recommend putting less space between the character's eyes. Generally speaking you'll want them to be one eye width apart. You can be a little liberal with that spacing for style (especially if you're doing something like super deformed) but it looks like you're giving this one nearly two eye-widths of space between the eyes, and it's making it look slightly odd.


You might also want to either raise the eyes or lower the nose and mouth for a little more evenness.


The ears you can also be flexible with, but generally speaking you'll want the top of your ears to be roughly level with either the eyebrows or upper eyelid.


Again, great work! I hope to see you practice more, because that's the key to getting better. Practice practice practice.

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It looks really good so far for being a beginner! (I'm also a big Mark Crilley fan <3)


I'd recommend putting less space between the character's eyes. Generally speaking you'll want them to be one eye width apart. You can be a little liberal with that spacing for style (especially if you're doing something like super deformed) but it looks like you're giving this one nearly two eye-widths of space between the eyes, and it's making it look slightly odd.


You might also want to either raise the eyes or lower the nose and mouth for a little more evenness.


The ears you can also be flexible with, but generally speaking you'll want the top of your ears to be roughly level with either the eyebrows or upper eyelid.


Again, great work! I hope to see you practice more, because that's the key to getting better. Practice practice practice.

thanks!  ^^  I've got tons of practicing to do but I think it's really fun so far xD  i'll def keep your tips in  mind too, they are really specific and helpful! n_n



Keep going!

haha thank u!!  :D :D  i'm def going to keep practicing  ^^;

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  • 1 month later...

Hey guys, I've been practicing! :D :D  Here's a figure I did of my character M'kheda. I am still focusing on characters and so I don't even do backgrounds yet  >_< 

but picture him sitting on like a rock or hill in the Black Shroud. That's what I did. :P 



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The only thing I could suggest would be that instead of drawing a full background, you could try at least drawing the shape of,say, the rock to suggest that she was sitting. It helps to give the viewer more of an idea of what is happening and grounds the figure so they're not just floating in space. Lovely work though! Keep at it!

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I can't believe you're only a beginner! The second picture is great, I doubt I'd ever be able to draw something like that haha.


Keep it up! It'll be great to see your art and styles evolve as you continue with practice, especially since you're new to it! :D

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woa thanks everybody!  ^_^  i'm really happy with that one. I had some others but that one came out best!  woot!  :bouncy:

The only thing I could suggest would be that instead of drawing a full background, you could try at least drawing the shape of,say, the rock to suggest that she was sitting. It helps to give the viewer more of an idea of what is happening and grounds the figure so they're not just floating in space. Lovely work though! Keep at it!

Hmm, yea you're right. Basic shapes I can do. I didn't really think about it that much but, he does look like he's floating around when he's not .  >_< 


thanks for the suggestion! n_n




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Been practicing with colors!!! :surprise:

But shading clothing is what i'm having trouble with the most. :/


If anybody has tips how to shade clothing and hair, teach me! :!:





Anyways, here's sad Keda:



And now happy Keda!  Woo!! :lol:




:thumbsup: :geek: :evil:

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