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Adventurer's Annex - 3rd Mondays @ 8pm Eastern

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[align=center]Greetings, Adventurers!


[align=center]In an effort to provide more working opportunities for all, the Adventurer's Guilds of Eorzea have given leave to establish annexes in various parts of the world to issue out work, aid, and succor to all those in need!



[align=center]However, we still need able-bodied adventurers like you to do the work!

If you're interested, please visit our latest annex in 

Lavender Beds, Ward 7, Lily Hills Subdivision, Apartment 15[/align]

[align=center]on the

3rd Monday of each month at the Eighth Bell of the evening 

(Eastern Time)[/align]


[align=center]This service brought to you by The Chroniclers and Wayfarers of Eorzea.[/align]




1.) Only one quest per adventurer each month. (Using alts is allowed!) We have a spreadsheet of quests and will keep track of everyone that takes a Quest along with what their task/reward is. 

2.) Any member of the host FCs can be a quest-giver and/or quest turn-in! There's no need to wait for one particular person, we can all chip in to help out! (Quests tied to a specific character may be exempt from this rule.  Ask your local quest-giver for details.)

3.) Real rewards are optional! If you don't want to take a reward and just want to roleplay, that's perfectly fine! Just let us know in advance, so we can utilize the prize elsewhere.

4.) Each quest expires on the next Annex opening, so that's one full month to get things done! If an adventurer doesn't complete their task within that time frame, then their duty has failed and they receive no reward.

5.) Rewards are given at the successful completion of a given quest.


Quest Rules

1.) Quests must all have an obtainable objective. No wild goose chases. People need to be able to complete the quest for their turn-in!

2.) Quests can happen in any area of the game, but Level requirements will be listed on the advertisement, if necessary.

3.) Anyone can submit a Quest idea whether they're in the host FCs or not! We may even expand at some point to allow other FC's to give out jobs and help us behind the counter. Please talk to us if you're interested!

4.) For quests that are difficult for low-levels, we'll offer free assistance from our experienced adventuring staff!


Questions, comments, and ideas are always welcome!


[align=center]To view our current Quest List, please click here![/align]

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  • 3 weeks later...

As promised, this is coming up next week!  So have your adventurers lined up and ready to seek out new opportunities!  Quests are limited and will be given out on a first-come, first-served basis!


If you'd like to submit a quest to have distributed, please contact me and I'll get the particulars from you to add to our quest board!

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  • 3 weeks later...

[align=center]Now accepting:[/align]



[align=center]Individual Quests[/align]


If you have a quest you would like us to hand out during this event, please contact me via Private Message with the following information:


Quest Type:  Gathering, Crafting, Dungeon, Social, RP Only

Brief Synopsis:  What does your quest entail?

Requirements: Level?  Pre-requisites?  Unlocks?

Rewards: Remember, you must offer real, tangible in-game rewards

Turn-In Requirements:  Items?  Turn-in to specific individual?


Example(s) of how it will look once it's formatted:


[ Dungeon ] Find the scholar, Syranelle Ironleaf, and safely escort her through the Palace of the Dead (one set, any level) so she can further her research on Gelmorra.  Requirements:  Level 15 and Palace of the Dead unlocked. Rewards:  Mummy's Little Mummy Minion and 1000gil. Whatever you gain from the Accursed Hoards is yours to keep!  Turn in Requirement:  Syranelle herself will deliver your rewards upon completion.


[ Gathering ] The Chroniclers are working on a few projects, but they've fallen woefully short of Aurum Regis Sand needed to continue their work!  Therefore, a reward is being offered for a stack (99 units) of aurum regis sand.  Requirements: Level 60 Miner.  Rewards:  8,000gil and a Wind-Up Titan Minion  Turn-in Requirements:  One stack (99 units) of aurum regis sand.



[align=center]Annex quests are a great way to garner roleplay for yourself or your Free Company!  You also get to work with new and excited individuals!  It's a great way for crafters to request materials and such, too, if they need the extra help.  There's all kinds of ways to use the Annex to your advantage.  Take part today![/align]

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  • 2 weeks later...

[align=center]Now accepting:[/align]



[align=center]Individual Quests[/align]


If you have a quest you would like us to hand out during this event, please contact me via Private Message with the following information:


Quest Type:  Gathering, Crafting, Dungeon, Social, RP Only

Brief Synopsis:  What does your quest entail?

Requirements: Level?  Pre-requisites?  Unlocks?

Rewards: Remember, you must offer real, tangible in-game rewards

Turn-In Requirements:  Items?  Turn-in to specific individual?


Example(s) of how it will look once it's formatted:


[ Dungeon ] Find the scholar, Syranelle Ironleaf, and safely escort her through the Palace of the Dead (one set, any level) so she can further her research on Gelmorra.  Requirements:  Level 15 and Palace of the Dead unlocked. Rewards:  Mummy's Little Mummy Minion and 1000gil. Whatever you gain from the Accursed Hoards is yours to keep!  Turn in Requirement:  Syranelle herself will deliver your rewards upon completion.


[ Gathering ] The Chroniclers are working on a few projects, but they've fallen woefully short of Aurum Regis Sand needed to continue their work!  Therefore, a reward is being offered for a stack (99 units) of aurum regis sand.  Requirements: Level 60 Miner.  Rewards:  8,000gil and a Wind-Up Titan Minion  Turn-in Requirements:  One stack (99 units) of aurum regis sand.



[align=center]Annex quests are a great way to garner roleplay for yourself or your Free Company!  You also get to work with new and excited individuals!  It's a great way for crafters to request materials and such, too, if they need the extra help.  There's all kinds of ways to use the Annex to your advantage.  Take part today![/align]



The next Annex is May 15th, so please submit your quests and job postings before then!  If you need help with rewards, let me know and I'll do what I can to help with gathering/crafting.  :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

[align=center]Life is getting a bit too busy for me to host this reliably, but there are plenty of other quest-giving events out there, so be sure to check them out![/align]


[align=center](Mods feel free to move this to the defunct events forum at-will.)[/align]


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