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Offer for an Inactive Player~

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This may be the wrong Forum for this but...




I just noticed this is a thing. If there is an inactive roleplayer on Balmung interested in coming back to the game... Accept an invite from me and I'll pay for your first month, as well as helping you with RP/PVE as much as possible. 


I play currently as a Hellsguard Thaumaturge who works with the Immortal Flames and the Order of Nald'Thal. The FC I run is an IC free company, but also has some boarders and other wierdos. 


If you're interested in coming back, and want a friend for pve/rp, let me know! I'm five feathers away from my cool twintania mount lol, so you'd be doing me a favor as well.

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It would only work with current friends.(Requirements in yellow) Cause having them add you, would mean they subbed to log in to do so. Then would need to wait 90 days, for you to have the option to invite them back.


You could always advertise on reddit or steam. That you would be wiling to pay a month of sub for anyone new though.


Anyway, GL. Thanks for pointing this out. Too bad for me, I transfered servers...xD

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It would only work with current friends.(Requirements in yellow) Cause having them add you, would mean they subbed to log in to do so. Then would need to wait 90 days, for you to have the option to invite them back.


You could always advertise on reddit or steam. That you would be wiling to pay a month of sub for anyone new though.


Anyway, GL. Thanks for pointing this out. Too bad for me, I transfered servers...xD





Mm... maybe on the next free login day?

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It would only work with current friends.(Requirements in yellow) Cause having them add you, would mean they subbed to log in to do so. Then would need to wait 90 days, for you to have the option to invite them back.


You could always advertise on reddit or steam. That you would be wiling to pay a month of sub for anyone new though.


Anyway, GL. Thanks for pointing this out. Too bad for me, I transfered servers...xD





Mm... maybe on the next free login day?


xD I thought the same thing. But the rareness of them. Atleast as far as I've ever noticed. But yes, if you're patient enough to wait for that maybe day.


Maybe you should just start a buddy program. Starting now. Make a support system for those that have financial hard times. So if they ever get caught in the webs of irl. They can have a possible shining light in the future if they're unable to escape right away.

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Well... I think I am on your friends list, AND I've been wanting to return to the game now that life's a bit quieter. But I was on an extended sub plan so even though I haven't had time to play since summer I think my sub didn't run out until December. Alas...

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Blegh... I was so excited when I saw that notice.


It's so hard being on balmung. I always want people to join, but once you explain how they'll need to transfer servers after 3 days and all that nonsense few actually go through with it.


I know its our fate being on the most popular server, but still frustrating. 


@ten that's a good idea. I suppose I have plenty of time, so if you're planning to take a hiatus from the game, let me know. We can be friends and I'll pay for your first month back :D

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