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Doman Ninja Seeking Connections of Varying Sorts

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Hello once again, Hydaelyn Roleplayers! I have been gone for quite some time since I've been back here. A combination of IRL commitments plus the fact that I had a bit of economic restraints meant I had to step away from FFXIV for a few months. However! I am back and ready to RP again. While I'm still roleplaying on Misha'to Nhami and Mason Clark, I have another character that I would like to roleplay as well and I would like to introduce!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Yukimune Furukane-




Yukimune, a highlander from Doma, is one of those trained in the art of ninjutsu. For a long time he had been opposed to the Garlean occupation of Doma. Coming from a small village near Doma's capital, he was always a patriot toward his country and his people. While he had to work with the Garlean Empire, he resented their presence and only worked with them begrudgingly. However, he did it for the sake of Doma and his family.


Obviously, that ended when the Garleans decided to raze Doma. During that time, he did his best to protect his family and villagers while they fled the country. However, he lost both of his parents as well as a crush of his during the assault. He only managed to save his two sisters, who became separated from him. Defeated, Yukimune left for Eorzea, trying to put distance between himself and the Garleans.


He now performs odd jobs to keep himself alive and well. Mostly in the Ul'dah and Limsa regions, he does his best to support himself and his fellow refugees. However, the memory of Doma burns in his heart and he's desiring more and more to do his part to help take down the Empire.



Desired RP Connections-



Friends in General: Obviously, general contacts would be great for Yukimune. In general I would like people to roleplay with him, at least semi-regularly. Hang out, talk shop, all that sort of thing.


Fellow Domans: This is the one I want the most. I would like to be able to portray Yukimune's connections to the other members of the Doman refugee community. So! If you have any Doman refugees who desire more friends, particularly a big burly Doman, he is the perfect candidate.


Free Company: This one is kind of specific, actually. Like the above, IDEALLY I would like him to get involved with an FC based around the Doman community/Doman resistance. If I cannot do that, then something that will stick it to the Garleans in general would be sufficient.


Family: As I mentioned above, Yukimune has two sisters who he was separated from! So I thought if someone had an idea for a female Doman hyur character, then maybe they could decide to be one of the two sisters. This one is optional, of course.


Romance: For once, this is actually something I'm NOT heavily emphasizing with a roleplay character. Having lost someone he was in love with during the razing, Yukimune is going to be a BIT more reluctant than my other characters. However, if you would like to pursue it, it will take some time but he would warm up to the idea. However, he is going to prefer other highlander men over anything else.




So! That about sums it up for Yukimune. If you would like to RP with him, feel free to post here or PM me for a meeting!

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Kiri is a Shinobi from Doma as well. She speaks in an odd way if only due to the fact she wasn't allowed to speak at all within her clan due to her position. She has been in Eoreza for about two years but finally stopped doing contracts of information gathering for the rich of Ul'dah and settled in to a free company. She always welcomes other Doman contacts and fellow Shinobi who opposed the Garleans and those ninja who betrayed Doma.


Kiri Rokuyari

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Hey, fellow Doman, checking in! Kazu's a veteran soldier who fought against the Garleans both during the initial conquest and the revolt, and he, too, lost pretty much everyone he knew, including his wife. Between lost love and their shared...distaste...for Garlemald, they'd probably have quite a lot to commiserate about. Kazu's mostly based out of Gridania, but he is a wandering adventurer, so he could technically pop up anywhere.

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My, we've got a small tribe of Domans in here. I am, of course, also interested in meeting any and all of the other Domans in here. Hell, could even have a small get-together if we wanted.


That's actually a really good idea! I'd do it myself if I wasn't planning out a small plot arc for our FC. If anyone else would like to make a meetup you have 's support and the loan of their basement!

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