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Ex-Dotharl looking for RP Friends/Connections

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So, I'm going to say straight away, up until now I was bit really badly by the 'can't decide on a character and constantly buying fantasias' bug. But that's all over now, I'm supremely happy with the character I have and have absolutely no desire or plans to ever change again.


That being said, I'm really hoping to meet some new people to RP with on a regular basis. Here's some tidbits about my character that might help:


She's a full-blood Xaela, but she's albino, hence the paleness. She's very sensitive to sunlight, and has to keep herself covered in a lotion that protects her skin, that smells very strongly of cinnamon and wildflowers. Her eyesight during the day is also very poor, but she manages well enough, and tries to hide it when she can.


She used to be a member of a small-ish to medium-ish Dotharl tribe offshoot, but she's seen too much death now, and her tribe is believed to be all dead, so she's moved on. She is now a pacifist when it comes to the spoken races, and while she'll defend herself and her loved ones if absolutely necessary, she prefers to not hurt anyone if she can help it.


She also is studying any/all types of healing she can get her hands on, focusing mostly at the moment on Alchemy, and the Scholar-ly arts. If we happen to get dancer as a healer come 4.0 then I'll probably be focusing on that instead of Scholar, but for now Scholar it is. Her main healing focus is the study of diseases, and curing diseases, but she also has a fairly strong focus on death that she tends to keep to herself.


She is fairly skilled in animal husbandry, as well as survival skills and tracking skills in the wild, though she is still learning the flora and fauna native to Eorzea, being somewhat new to the area. She's skilled at repairing things, and upkeeping armor and weapons, but she's trying to learn how to make things from scratch as well. She also enjoys cooking and baking, and will happily make food for anyone that stops by the FC house, which doubles as a cafe.


She is in a steady relationship, so I am NOT looking for romantic RP connections, just friendly or professional, or even unfriendly/rival ones.


I do have a wiki up for her, though I'm still working on adding pictures and things to it, but it has the basic information. There's a link in my signature. You can also reach me on Discord at Aireiel#2676, or in game.



[align=center]:love: Looking forward to hearing from you! :love:[/align]

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I'm having a "huh, how 'bout that" moment. xD One of my FC's house npc's is actually /also/ an "ex-Dotharl" (well, he says 'retired'), having tired of the violence himself. But one can't really 'retire' from the past, can you. :3 I know an npc isn't what you're looking for, but I was struck by the similarity. ^^/ Good luck to you! I think you have a great concept!


*slams on the brakes and does a U turn mid traffic*


xDDD I know you! Come hang out with me again!!

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I'm having a "huh, how 'bout that" moment. xD One of my FC's house npc's is actually /also/ an "ex-Dotharl" (well, he says 'retired'), having tired of the violence himself. But one can't really 'retire' from the past, can you. :3 I know an npc isn't what you're looking for, but I was struck by the similarity. ^^/ Good luck to you! I think you have a great concept!


*slams on the brakes and does a U turn mid traffic*


xDDD I know you! Come hang out with me again!!

xD Yeah I think we talked about the similarity with your NPC at some point! Too bad he's not a player, we could be best buds!


And yes, we need to RP some time! You just always seem so busy, everyone wants a piece of you! :lol:

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Hey there!


I don't have much in the way of connections to easily offer here, aside from perhaps the ShroudLife linkshell. Being a bit of a wilderness survivalist, having skill with animal husbandry and tracking skills sounds like she'd be a pretty good fit for having some encounters out in the wilds if she still actively travels at all. If that sounds interesting to you at all, it'd be a good way to meet a number of characters who make livings outside of the cities, and you're welcome to it!


Otherwise, best of luck on your search!

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