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A Peculiar Raen or Fresh Off the Boat: Another Doman Lost in Eorzea

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[align=center]“I do not think it is so strange. Would not more time spent like this create a greater peaceful state of mind for most?” The Raen next to you asks in an airy voice, her tone even. Three hours, she had told you. Three hours of the day dedicated to meditation for a “restful soul”. Why had you decided to join such a strange girl found alone in the oasis? She sits just as you had found her; feet tucked under thighs, hands folded in her lap, and eyes closed as she brings in slow, barely noticeable breaths. Had she not greeted you, you might have almost thought she was statue, and an extremely detailed one at that. Such care would have had to been put into shaping the scales, the— “It seems so many forsake the care that’s needed from themselves.” Ah, right; she’s speaking to you. Best pay attention.[/align]

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[align=center]She frowns, a near wince, as the mere mention of others in pain seems to pain her as well, but slowly her expression softens. “But Eorzea seems to be a very abundant place, yes? It has healed its own wounds. Despite its turmoil, its people are so very bold and proud. They are loud and open, even in their humblest of ways. It is very different from my home.” With her eyes closed, it is impossible to see the nostalgia they hold, the longing. Her own words silence her for a moment and perhaps you wish to speak for her, to offer words in return, but she begins once again before you can. “It is different,” She repeats. “But it is good. I do not know if I will ever truly understand the ways and customs of this land, but,” She opens one eye to glance at you with bright smile, one holding hope, wonder, and delight. “I think I am growing to like it very much.”[/align]



About the character:

Natsumi Sensui is a 21 year old Raen and, yes, another Doman refugee trying to acclimate to Eorzean society. Bright and bubbly, she is fascinated by the new culture that surrounds her. Having arrived only a moon ago with her prickly and overly-protective companion, Hiroshi Yukimura, one has to wonder why it's only just now that she's decided to flee her homeland. More curious is her recent ownership of a small onsen and how she managed acquire it so quickly. Still, even with questions unanswered, her shining personality is almost enough to make people stop asking. Almost always smiling and with curious eyes, she does her best to adapt to her new situation without abandoning her culture, or the strict code her family has raised her to live by. Strange it is to most, only being allowed to eat rice and needing to dedicate such a large amount of time to dedication, but she has always been quick to assure others that she is perfectly happy abiding by such rules. Well, most of the time. While a bit naive and overwhelming polite,she isn't easy to take advantage of. She certainly tries to see the best in people, and never assumes on way or the other about the individual, she's wise enough to look out for herself and those she cares for. Still, she'll easily forgive and is always willing to help those in need, regardless of her personal feelings towards them. She can often be caught staring at people as she tries to learn more about them without having to worry about interrupting or bothering them. Sometimes she'll even stare at nothing at all as her mind has a tendency to wander. Meeting new people and learning more about the world seems to be her only desire, and it leaves her chipper, giggly, and with enough warmth to bring rain to Ishgard.


tl;dr another lizard out of water who happens to be Moe AF™



About the player: 

Hello! My name is Rachel and I'm a 24 y/o cis female living in The Middle of Nowhere, Texas. Some of you might have known me when I played Luha Dalaan a while back, who has since been retired as a character. It's been a while since I've really been on the RP scene, so I'm hoping to jump back in! I'm still trying to catch up with the MSQs post Heavensward, so half the time I'm on, it'll be to run that and catch up on other content. The other half is when I'll probably be RPing, so hopefully you'll see me around!



[align=left]So these come in two flavors, if that wasn't obvious. For past connections, there's tons of ways our kiddos could have known each other back in Doma, but considering Natsumi's character arc things, we'll need to talk some things out. What I can say here is that here family owns a large onsen/inn in the mountains, one that Natsumi has helped run all her life. Childhood friends? Perhaps your character had stayed there once? Did her family help them hide out from the Garlean authorities at some point? The possibilities are endless, my dude.


For new connections, hit me with whatever you've got. Natsumi hasn't left Thanalan since arriving, so she's mostly seen around Ul'dah, at her mini-onsen in the Goblet, or in Central/West. Walking up to her while she's meditating as above, coming into the onsen, or just bumping into her in the city, I'm open to anything. I also don't really have a set "type" of character that I'm looking to RP with, so if you think we'd match, let me know![/align]


Various things worth knowing:

-You know those RPers who think romance and ERP are the only point of RPing? Where they think it's the endgame? Where they can't RP with a character of their own's preferred gender without making it flirty/sexual tension-y? Yeah, not a fan.


-I prefer paragraph form. They don't have to be long, or even "full" paragraphs, but just something that describes your character's perspective and actions better than IG emotes. Example: "Luha Dalaan grips the edge of table with her free hand, her knuckles growing more and more white with each word the Seeker spits. She glances at him from under the brim of her hat with poison in her eyes and sneers, "What was that you said, friend?" paints a much better picture than "Luha Dalaan: u wot m8"


-Yeah, I like to stand around the QS. Fight me.


-Do you have a cool idea? Do assholes tell you to ditch it because it's not strictly canon to the lore? Tell me about it and we can fight the system together.


-Angst or fluff? Fluff or angst? Yes.


-I love deep and intricate plots just as much as I love obligatory beach/party/bar/wacky adventure scenes.


-Edgelords beware: my precious flower lizard has a 99% change of smoothing all edges with a 5milm radius. You have been warned.


-And take that nasty fedora off.


-You would be very drunk if you took a shot every time I said onsen so far.


-tbh once i'm comfortable with you, this is going to be a lot more honest to how i type OOC so you should probs be okay with that


 -Keep the bork meme strong, fam.



[align=left]Assuming you're still reading (and bless you if you are), you can shoot me a PM here for give me a poke in game. That's Natsumi Sensui, folks. I hope to hear from you, and if not, hopefully you'll find what you're looking for on here!


(secondary thing: if you wanna use the way-too-often-mention-onsen for anything, let me know! No RP connection required)[/align]

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What if I have my own onsen which you're invited to visit? What happens then?

Well then it's either a battle of the onsen owners or a very lovely visit in which Natsu brings Doman tea and and a thoughtful gift.


Japanese storytelling norms almost require it to be both, though circumstances determine whether it's punch and pie followed by punch and punch, or the opposite.


Sena's place is on the outskirts of Gridania, though advertisements for her inn (and its amenities) do extend into Ul'dah. Conceivably, a newly arrived Doman might be curious enough to board an airship, if only to see a foreigner's concept of the comforts of her homeland. :)

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What if I have my own onsen which you're invited to visit? What happens then?

Well then it's either a battle of the onsen owners or a very lovely visit in which Natsu brings Doman tea and and a thoughtful gift.


Japanese storytelling norms almost require it to be both, though circumstances determine whether it's punch and pie followed by punch and punch, or the opposite.


Sena's place is on the outskirts of Gridania, though advertisements for her inn (and its amenities) do extend into Ul'dah. Conceivably, a newly arrived Doman might be curious enough to board an airship, if only to see a foreigner's concept of the comforts of her homeland. :)

Ooh, I think she most certainly would be. I'll have to throw her your way.


I guess it's time to start thinking up a reason for one of my characters to stay at an inn in Thanalan. ;) Your character sounds lovely.

Thank you! Hopefully we'll bump into each other sometime.

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Hi Natsumi!


I think your Raen and mine could get together just fine! Hikari is a noble who's come to Eorzea not to escape but to search for something and do the paladin thing that paladins do! She's a bit rough around the edges but opens up quite quickly especially around other Raen. If you'd like we could say her family went to the Natsumi's family's Onsen.


Her wiki is below, let me know what you think!

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Natsumi is such a presh, she even got my wary, bristling Raendude to chill and behave, and a mama-figure tator lady to fuss over the innocent girl. 


I'm looking forward to all the rp I can get, and you should definitely try to snag a spot for rp with her when you can! Her characters are always so well thought out, and hint at such depths that I always want to poke and explore for stories!

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Hey, I've got a character born in an unspecified town in Doma's mountains! Kazukata would've been leaving his hometown around the time Natsumi was born, so it's unlikely they would know each other personally, but it's entirely possible he's heard of the family's inn or even known her parents. It could be an interesting hook to draw him in if he recognizes the name and gets curious, particularly since he knows Hikari and she could easily drop the name of the inn in conversation...


But, I'm getting ahead of myself. Regardless, I'm sure I can give him an excuse to end up in Thanalan at Natsumi's door if you want another Doman contact. Check out his wiki in my signature and see if anything in there piques your interest.

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Natsumi is such a presh, she even got my wary, bristling Raendude to chill and behave, and a mama-figure tator lady to fuss over the innocent girl. 


I'm looking forward to all the rp I can get, and you should definitely try to snag a spot for rp with her when you can! Her characters are always so well thought out, and hint at such depths that I always want to poke and explore for stories!

Ahhh, thank you Shado! You're like way too nice to me, pls


Hi Natsumi! 


I think your Raen and mine could get together just fine! Hikari is a noble who's come to Eorzea not to escape but to search for something and do the paladin thing that paladins do! She's a bit rough around the edges but opens up quite quickly especially around other Raen. If you'd like we could say her family went to the Natsumi's family's Onsen. 


Her wiki is below, let me know what you think!

Ooh, I like her a lot! I'd definitely be up for her at Natsu having met before. She'd be so happy just to find someone she knew again, even if they hadn't know each other well. Shoot me a PM if you're still interested and we can set something up!


Hey, I've got a character born in an unspecified town in Doma's mountains! Kazukata would've been leaving his hometown around the time Natsumi was born, so it's unlikely they would know each other personally, but it's entirely possible he's heard of the family's inn or even known her parents. It could be an interesting hook to draw him in if he recognizes the name and gets curious, particularly since he knows Hikari and she could easily drop the name of the inn in conversation...


But, I'm getting ahead of myself. Regardless, I'm sure I can give him an excuse to end up in Thanalan at Natsumi's door if you want another Doman contact. Check out his wiki in my signature and see if anything in there piques your interest.

The more the merrier! Him knowing her family could actually be super interesting for things and reasons. I don't want to go into a whole lot here, but I think these two could be a good fit for RP, so ping me if you're still interested!


I'd be happy to lend my Doman chef Au Ra, Murakumo, as a friend.  He's been looking for work for a while, so he's still pretty new to Eorzea as well.  I need to do more with him.

I'd be up for a chef! Give me a poke in a PM and we can work things out!

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