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Once more unto the breach . . .

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Doubtful many (or any) would remember me much as I tend to not make a big splash, but a few here knew me before and felt it was time to do the customary "I'm returning" post. I took a break from the game after the birth of my ever adorable second son, five months ago, and now I've once again got the time to dive back into Eorzean RP and so will give a small synopsis of my character, Benedict Whiteraven, whom I have been developing in game for several years with the occasional break here and there:


Ben is street urchin turned soldier during the Garlean Invasion of Eorzea. After the war he traveled around making use of the only skill he had at his disposal, swordplay. After quite a long time his life became more complicated through heartbreak, impulsiveness, and bad choices over all, and when he had hit near rock bottom he found himself in the possession of a Dark Knight soul stone that proved to further his undoing by bringing out all the worst traits of his as well as emotionally giving rise to all the pain and hurt he had seen in his life. Unable to control or deal with those emotions he became a danger to himself and others as he lashed out against everyone and everything around him. This left him living alone in a frozen cave in Ishgard. He was then offered a chance at redemption and has since given up his sword and armor to walk the path of the healer (my actual favorite role to play both in combat and otherwise in most MMOs) and Astrologian. Magic is new for Ben and he doesn't have the confidence to rely on it the same way he use to rely on his sword and armor. He is now working hard as an apprentice astrologian (working on getting customary CNJ/THM levels for cross class skills before diving into raw AST leveling. *So if you see him dressed as a CNJ/THM, please understand he is not leveling those classes IC, but instead training as an apprentice AST) to understand magic and the fundamentals of his new path and possibly find peace for himself and redemption for his past.


RP Experience: I've been tabletop roleplaying with the same general group for 25 years now, and we still regularly meet every other week. As for MMORPGs, I started on Everquest back in 1999 and have tried most other popular games along the way. I love in-depth story and I'm a big fan or lore based roleplay, as I feel distinct history and lore are what make a fantasy world stand out from every other fantasy world out there. I always welcome random/walk-up roleplay and in most situations will drop whatever else I'm doing to engage in it happily. I look forward to meeting more rpers in Eorzea and welcome anyone to hit me up anytime.


*Also, I will need to do a major overhaul and revamp of Ben's wiki page soon. Anything currently there is based on his last run as a DRK.

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Hello and welcome back to Balmung and the RPC!

Thanks so much for the RP last night. It was fun and I look forward to seeing you around more often in game.


It's good to see you around again, welcome back! ^_^

I look forward to future rp and now have you on my friend's list to help make that easier. Cheers!


Hey there, and welcome back aboard the RPC! :thumbsup:

Thank you. I truly missed this community and the game as a whole.


I came here for the Pratchett quote. Welome fellow PTerry lover.

Lol, Cheers! "Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness." -Terry Pratchett

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