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Looking for a place to start (Thug/drug addict Character)

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Hello everyone! I recently came back to FF14 in hope of finding a new home and a nice RP community to join and I was interested in knowing where to begin.


I will soon move to Balmung(When it allows me) and with such a big move from my home server, I hope of finding people there and avoid feeling too homesick. Linkshells, FCs, RP groups, you name it. Doesn't have to be in-game either. I will provide down below a summary of my character aswell. Hopefully, it'll help!


Also, I wish to bring alongside my person some items to sell in hope of acquiring some extra funds. I'm am not a big crafter but I managed to make a decent amount of gil where I am but with the severe limit you can transfer, I fear it'll cause me even greater challenges considering the expansion is coming very soon. So if anyone could provide me some hints and advice as to what to bring with me for easy resell, it would be very kind and appreciated.


As for my character.


Hito Shura(will have to change my name because some inactive player took it T^T) will be my main and probably only character for a while. He is a male keeper and is an extremely distant, rude and misunderstood young miqo'te. He's a drug addict and a thug who will be doing the dirty work of whoever hires him. He is not a villain and is in fact a very passive, distressed and apathetic character but do act like one when on avoidance narcotics which is very often. When not taking jobs, he's a gladiator for multiple venues and is known for being barely dressed for fighting(basically like a real gladiator). Obviously, drugs leave him numb to pain which offers quite a bloody and relentless show for an audience hungry for violence.


I'm very open for RP with any kind of people and situation but I do wish to say in advance that I might be rusty/shy since I have not approached RP in FF14 or any kind of online community for a long ass time.


Anyway. Sorry for this wall of text! Any help would be greatly appreciated! <3

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The timing on this is uncanny, as I just made an account on here. I'm actually looking for people who Role-play your kind of character. When you get on the server message me at Cygnus Slow-Hand, I can't offer a FC, but I can offer a fairly steady RP partner, and a weekly job for your character if you want. Also, get you on my new Linkshell, look forward to seeing you.

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If you are both looking for a place to start FC wise I suggest you poke Liliro Liro or Kasi in Mischief's Coven, a neutral-evil aligned free company unless I'm mistaken. (I know they are evil, just not sure on the neutral part.) My free company lives right beside them and the people I've met thus far are amazingly nice and open. Both people I mentioned post around here frequently, so I'm sure one will see this soon. :)

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Pst. Hey, you. Yeah, you- I got what you need!


Ahem. Yes, I imagine you could probably hit it off fairly well with the Coven, considering we have drug traffickers within our membership (among a sea of other unsavory mob-types). You can read up on the specifics of the FC via signature link below, but suffice it to say, you certainly don't need to be a member of the FC to interact with us heavily either! That being said, we're getting ready to close down recruitment soon as we're very close to hitting our hard membership cap. 


If you're looking to make a deal, it's as simple as showing up at the tavern and ordering a bloody mary. That kicks off a whole series of events from there on out.


If you have any questions, feel free to drop either myself or Lili a note!

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The timing on this is uncanny, as I just made an account on here. I'm actually looking for people who Role-play your kind of character. When you get on the server message me at Cygnus Slow-Hand, I can't offer a FC, but I can offer a fairly steady RP partner, and a weekly job for your character if you want. Also, get you on my new Linkshell, look forward to seeing you.


Aye! Thank you greatly for your offer! I'll keep your name in mind! 


If you are both looking for a place to start FC wise I suggest you poke Liliro Liro or Kasi in Mischief's Coven, a neutral-evil aligned free company unless I'm mistaken. (I know they are evil, just not sure on the neutral part.) My free company lives right beside them and the people I've met thus far are amazingly nice and open. Both people I mentioned post around here frequently, so I'm sure one will see this soon. :)


Indeed! I have received some information concerning that FC from a few members already. Thank you very much to both you and them! I'll check it out!


Pst. Hey, you. Yeah, you- I got what you need!


Ahem. Yes, I imagine you could probably hit it off fairly well with the Coven, considering we have drug traffickers within our membership (among a sea of other unsavory mob-types). You can read up on the specifics of the FC via signature link below, but suffice it to say, you certainly don't need to be a member of the FC to interact with us heavily either! That being said, we're getting ready to close down recruitment soon as we're very close to hitting our hard membership cap. 


If you're looking to make a deal, it's as simple as showing up at the tavern and ordering a bloody mary. That kicks off a whole series of events from there on out.


If you have any questions, feel free to drop either myself or Lili a note!


Thanks for the info!!I'm not sure if people told you before but I highly appreciate and praise the work you do for new members on here! Stay awesome my friend!! <3

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*heart eyes*


I think Illust would love to meet Hito!

She's probably the world's most adorable drug dealer, you'd make her day!


It would be a pleasure to meet her indeed! Or maybe they already know each other from past dealings! + v +


Hito(Now named Kaz because I had to change my name) lives in the slum near Ul'Dah and is closely affiliated with the members of the illegal plantation there. Depending on where Illust sells, maybe he could be one of her delivery boy and a pretty good customer for foreign stuff! ;3

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On ze phone, and we all probably know how that goes. Huue.


Anywho! Kaz sounds like a riot and it'd be great to have our boys meet sometime. There's a couple avenues we could use for meeting grounds that I can think of, but that's stuff we could talk about over PM or the like if you're interested in meeting my boy... Khaz. Pfft. The "h" is silent.


In a wee nutshell he's rather punkish and unfiltered, and tends to hang out in the shadier neighborhoods of Ul'dah. He's into some underground fighting and likely to get dragged into more criminal acitivity as time/development goes on. Link to his wiki is below!


Welcome to Balmung! Hope you enjoy it here, happy writing!

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On ze phone, and we all probably know how that goes. Huue.


Anywho! Kaz sounds like a riot and it'd be great to have our boys meet sometime. There's a couple avenues we could use for meeting grounds that I can think of, but that's stuff we could talk about over PM or the like if you're interested in meeting my boy... Khaz. Pfft. The "h" is silent.


In a wee nutshell he's rather punkish and unfiltered, and tends to hang out in the shadier neighborhoods of Ul'dah. He's into some underground fighting and likely to get dragged into more criminal acitivity as time/development goes on. Link to his wiki is below!


Welcome to Balmung! Hope you enjoy it here, happy writing!


Oi! Thank you very much for the warm welcome! Truly!


I've been very happy so far with the warm welcomes and open community. I have yet to get into RP but I'm working on it alongside my wiki page. I sure hope the RP is as good as the welcoming party! <3


As for your boy, I would love to have my wreck of a miqo'te meet him and get into trouble together. He will be mostly active in Ul'dah so it's a pretty good place to smash them together! We now need a underground fight club of sorts so that they may make a bloody mess out of each other when the time is right! ;3

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*heart eyes*


I think Illust would love to meet Hito!

She's probably the world's most adorable drug dealer, you'd make her day!


It would be a pleasure to meet her indeed! Or maybe they already know each other from past dealings! + v +


Hito(Now named Kaz because I had to change my name) lives in the slum near Ul'Dah and is closely affiliated with the members of the illegal plantation there. Depending on where Illust sells, maybe he could be one of her delivery boy and a pretty good customer for foreign stuff! ;3


Yess! Illust usually likes to sell alone, it might be interesting for someone to offer being a runner! Or a familiar face that she just happens to take an interest in! If you're on tomorrow let me know, I'll be around!

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*heart eyes*


I think Illust would love to meet Hito!

She's probably the world's most adorable drug dealer, you'd make her day!


It would be a pleasure to meet her indeed! Or maybe they already know each other from past dealings! + v +


Hito(Now named Kaz because I had to change my name) lives in the slum near Ul'Dah and is closely affiliated with the members of the illegal plantation there. Depending on where Illust sells, maybe he could be one of her delivery boy and a pretty good customer for foreign stuff! ;3


Yess! Illust usually likes to sell alone, it might be interesting for someone to offer being a runner! Or a familiar face that she just happens to take an interest in! If you're on tomorrow let me know, I'll be around!


Hey! Anything works! From runner to foreign product provider, I'm cool with any kind of backstory or future roles. Let's discuss further once you are available! + v +

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Welcome to Balmung, Kaz!


It looks like everyone else hit the points and made the recommendations I wanted to, but I still wish to welcome you and provide the open offer for our characters, as residents of Ul'dah, to run into each other if you'd like. Beyond that, anything OOC you need, even if it is just company, as you transition over, I'm more than happy to offer, :).


May your transfer be a smooth one! You're in good hands, it looks like, :Db.

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Welcome to Balmung, Kaz!


It looks like everyone else hit the points and made the recommendations I wanted to, but I still wish to welcome you and provide the open offer for our characters, as residents of Ul'dah, to run into each other if you'd like. Beyond that, anything OOC you need, even if it is just company, as you transition over, I'm more than happy to offer, :).


May your transfer be a smooth one! You're in good hands, it looks like, :Db.


Thank you very much for sharing your greetings! Truly!


I've had very good recommendations indeed and I already began stories with a few of them! I've had a blast so far! Still getting over my overall shyness since RPing in-game is something I am not used to but I'll get over with a bit more practice!


As for your invitation, I gladly accept it! When I'm online, unless I'm already taken for another RP scene, I'm usually up for RP! Unless I'm tired or it's too late of course = v =. Feel free to drop me a moogle mail or a tell once you are around in-game and we can arrange something! :love:

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I just started up my own character! He's pretty young, maybe they met as they were approaching the city or something like that. Anyway, if you're interested my thread is right above yours. Send me a PM or something and we could talk about it!


Heya!! It would be delightful! Add me in game once you can and we can then discuss the details of their encounter! ;3

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