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Charity Ball & Banquet

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You’re Invited!

To the second, annual “Little Ladies’ Day Charity Ball & Banquet!” All members of society are invited to an evening of mingling, entertainment, dinner, and auction. All proceeds are going to the Moonlight Reverie, Home for Children.

This year we bring new and exciting ways to participate. Join us for the banquet, performances, games, and an exciting raffle with even more exciting prizes! Our auction this year will feature desserts, but these desserts do not come alone! Instead, they come with the sweet bakers who made them. Our raffle features exquisite attire, cute companions, and even a once in a lifetime Pearl Appeal, diamond and freshwater Doman pearl broach!

Enclosed you’ll find more details on our auction, performances, games, and raffle. We look forward to seeing you at the Thaliak’s Embrace restaurant!

Yours Truly,

The Midnight Pearl & Thaliak’s Embrace.






Hello everyone! The Midnight Pearl and Thaliak’s Embrace are teaming up to host the second annual Charity Ball & Banquet for Little Ladies’ Day! It will be taking place Friday, March 10th, at 8:00PM EST. We’re going to have games, a raffle, the banquet, and planned performances! You can find out about all those below. We look forward to seeing you there!


  • When:  Friday, March 10th, 8:00PM EST / 5:00PM PST.
  • Where: The Thaliak’s Embrace Restaurant (Lavender Beds, Ward 8, Plot 5).
  • Why: An enjoyable charity get together to showcase community talent and host roleplay.
  • Who: Hosted by the Midnight Pearl & Thaliak’s Embrace.
  • What: A charity banquet!

Dance, Dance for Refuge! Do you fancy yourself a good dancer? Are you good at following instruction? Show off your moves or attention to detail by participating in this mix of dance moves and S’imon says! Join our instructor on the lawn to be crowned King or Queen of the moves! (100g per entry).

Sponsor an Orphan! As this is Little Ladies Day, it brings attention to the many children orphaned by the turmoils of living on Eorzea. Does your gil pouch feel a little heavy? Well now would be a time to sponsor an orphan! Receive a gift and a letter from your orphan every moon! Join our advocates on the lawn to get your sponsorship this sun! (12,000g for a 12 moon sponsorship).

Picture Perfect! Surely you’ve worn your best formal outfit to the charity ball and banquet? Perhaps you’ve quite proud of your dessert attire? Get your photo taken by our professional photographer! (Donated what you want).

Hug’a’Bear! Strength can be used for felling great foes. More importantly, however, it can give the best hugs! It just so happens that Alexius’ plush bear needs a hug this holiday. Show your strength by giving this automated bear the best hug it has ever had! (100g per entry).





For this event’s raffle details, please click  >> 

here. <<

For more information on our date & dessert auction, click  >> 

here. <<

[align=left]For more information on the menu, click  >> here. <<

For more information on the activities, click >> here. <<



[align=left]A big thank you to all the wonderful performers who signed up for this event! 


  • L'yon
  • Mishi
  • Alexei
  • Chou
  • Viola
  • Zeraia
  • Khenbish

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If you are in need of more help or something else for people to donate to. I am happy to attend as Chi with her sisters and hand out flower pins. I normally do not charge, however as this is a charity function, we def. could take volunteer donations for the cause. More info on them.




Let me know if you are interested!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there!


Apologies, I just saw this now, I've been quite busy. xD You're welcome to show up and have fun with your flower pins! Admittedly, there's quite a bit of gil exchange happening that whether or not you'd like to collect donations is completely up to you. ♥

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It’s official, ladies, gentlemen, and all those in between! Our auction roster has been set and now we’re here to let you know who all will be up for bid. Please remember that you can find all the rules on our date & dessert auction by clicking  >> here. << And without further ado, we present our auctionees!








[align=center]Khit Binbotaj ♥ Royal Rolanberry Cupcakes









[align=center]Aiobhelle Yvven ♥ Blueberry Gelatin Shots









[align=center]M’aiku Yokho ♥ Pixie Plum Macaroons









[align=center]Mishi Mizuchi ♥ Namagashi 









[align=center]V’lyria Azriel ♥ Ishgardian Chocolate Silk Pie









[align=center]Rodrick Hayes ♥ Rolanberry Sunday









[align=center]Tenebris Phantasm ♥ Sachertote 









[align=center]Yohla Wolndara ♥ White Chocolate Pistachio Cookies









[align=center]Lomi Blithe ♥ Molten Lava Cake









[align=center]U’sara Bryn ♥ Tiramisu 









[align=center]Amna Yorwa ♥ The Eight-Colored Rainbow Kugane Crepe



Of course for all other information you can refer to our >> main post << !

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[align=center]♥ Tonight! ♥[/align]


Event Layout:

1. Hug-O-Bear (Test Your Strength): Strength can be used for felling great foes. More importantly, however, it can give the best hugs! It just so happens that Alexius’ plush bear needs a hug this holiday. Show your strength by giving this automated bear the best hug it has ever had! 

    • 100 gil per try 

    • Room 2

2. The Stages: Will host multiple things including performances, Raffle prize winner announcements, and the main stage for the date auction.

    • Date Auction & Announcements Downstairs. 
    • Performances Upstairs.
    • Date & Dessert auction rules here!

3. Dance, Dance for Refuge:  Do you fancy yourself a good dancer? Are you good at following instruction? Show off your moves or attention to detail by participating in this mix of dance moves and S’imon says! Join our instructor on the lawn to be crowned King or Queen of the moves! 

    • 100g per entry.  
    • Far West side of the Garden.

4.  Picture Perfect: Need we say more? Photo booth. 

    • Donate what you want! 
    • The Garden.

5.  Sponsor an Orphan: As this is Little Ladies Day, it brings attention to the many children orphaned by the turmoils of living on Eorzea. Does your gil pouch feel a little heavy? Well now would be a time to sponsor an orphan! Receive a gift and a letter from your orphan every moon! Join our advocates on the lawn to get your sponsorship this sun! 

    • 12,000g for a 12 moon sponsorship.
    • The Garden.

6. Raffle Sign Ups: Get the chance to win prizes such as a primal minion of choice, a Mog station credit, and more 

    • 10,000 (up to three entries allowed).
    • Room 1.
    • Raffle rules here!

7. Bar & Lounge: To help people run from the scroll

    • Bar: Room 3.
    • Lounge: Room 4.

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