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Back in the fight

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Greetings one and all. It has been a long while, but after a few life events have finally ended and with a desire to get back both into the game and roleplaying, I find myself here.


I mostly go by V, or my character which I am still in the process of fully fleshing out. I've been playing FFXIV off and on for a whIle on Balmung, and while I usually end up going at it alone, I think it's finally time to put myself back put there and hopefully find a group of people to call friends and make a story with. Now that my favorite class of old is finally coming back (SAM), I'm really hoping to be able to engage with the community and start a story worth telling and meet some awesome people along the way.


Probably not the best intro in the world, but hopefully to anyone who replies, I'll soon be able to get to know you and many new characters along the way as we make our way into Stormblood. Wish me luck! (Better profile and character information to come, I promise as I refamiliarize myself with the lore and back stories going on)

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Hello and welcome back to Balmung and the RPC! I think this game is definitely one that becomes more enjoyable when playing with a group of friends whether you are running content or RPing. If you ever have any questions, want to brainstorm character ideas, or just RP sometime and get back in the swing of things feel free to send me a tell or message.

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