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LF thms/Order of Nald'thal Characters

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Looking for some thaumaturges/members of the Order of Nald'thal to help officiate a New Business Enterprise blessing for my Free Company, the Gold & Glory. 


Our company has recently come into new ownership: a pair of very pious Monetarists. Their first order of business is get the building blessed by the Order so that Nald may bless them with great fortune in the future. 


We have an FC member that will be leading the ceremony, but we would be (╯✧▽✧)╯SO HAPPY if a few other thaumatruges were there to assist. Afterwards, we'll be hosting a tavern night. 


When: Saturday, March 4th. 8:00 EST

Where: Goblet, Ward 4, Plot 41


Contact: Aegir Hlerson 



Lirilith Maellan/Araceli Caillen


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