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Bookish Pirate & Shut-in Merchant LF RP!

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Hi all! It's been a while since I've posted an ad for rp (or posted at all for that matter lmao) and since I've recently race and name changed my main and alt I figure it's time to post another one! If interested, you can comment here or send me a pm. I'm available to rp both ingame and on discord :* I'm also available for PvE content, including leveling, clears, and bird/weapon farms if that's what you're into


First up is the alt, Pentral Courte!



A pirate who is just as interested in learning everything there is to learn in the world as she is in sailing the seas and slitting throats. She was born and raised on her father's pirate ship and spent a good chunk of her life sailing around on it, so she did not start learning to read/write or get a proper education until late in her teenage years...but when she finally did she threw herself into her studies, enamored with how much information was stored in books. Her favorite subjects are history and geology, which is also a boon thanks to the extensive traveling she does.


Meeting her is pretty easy, as Pentral can be anywhere: catching up with her peers on The Astalicia, tanning at Costa del Sol, having a pint at The Coffer & Coffin...you can even find her tucked away in the dark of Stillglade Fane having a nap attempting to hear the faint voices of the elementals, but who'd willingly go there, right?


For her, I'm looking for anything- friends, acquaintances, rivals, employers...anything you can think of! She's always running about doing odd jobs between her voyages and studying, so employers are very much welcomed.


Next is my main, Roroko Roko!



A merchant who has very rarely stepped foot outside of Ul'dah, Roroko helps her ageing father run their wholesale trade business from within those gilded walls. She spends half her days doing paperwork in her office, and the other half honing her magic and strolling about the Exchanges, looking for new sweets and pastries to try out.


Most of her neighbors would say she's got a nice, decent life with a steady routine- but Roroko would say otherwise! She very much wants to travel and do a little adventuring of her own, and desperately wishes to break out of what she feels is currently a boring life. She's too afraid to take such a big step in her life though, given her reluctance to leave running most of the business to her father, and the fact that adventuring usually requires someone with a good sense of direction...something she very much does not have.


At the moment Roroko can only be found in Ul'dah and sometimes in the deserts of Thanalan, but hopefully that changes soon with some encouragement from people!

For Roro, I am predominantly looking for friends and people who are willing to help her out with traveling (and even accompany her from time to time!), but I'm fine with any and all contacts for her as well, including potential employees :>


Thanks for reading!

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I think my Roegadyn, Gentle Willow (who lacks a wiki at the moment), and Roroko would get along quite swimmingly. She can certainly empathize with Roro's desire to get out into the world as that is something she herself is trying to do as well. They can also totally be mage buddies! Feel free to add/pm me in game. I should be online around 2pm est and we could work something out if a polite and wordy hellsguard is to taste.

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Hey there!


In the case of Pentral, I'm gonna make you an offer you can't refuse (or you can, who knows). The Mischief's Coven is essentially the organized mob, and Pentral could likely find employment there (certainly by the sound of it, she'd be a good fit). You don't necessarily need to join the Coven either- we employ private, non-FC contractors via an IC LS as an alternative to membership so you can get in on jobs. The Coven operates a hole-in-the-wall tavern 'front' for its operations- all you need to do is show up at the tavern and order a 'bloody mary' to get a back room meeting where the particulars are worked out. 


Beyond that hook, there's also the possibility of simply running into Kasi! She's a veteran mercenary, trader, cook, and occasional bartender. Although she has a strong bias toward Miqo'te, she isn't exactly racist and can get along well with just about anyone. With a good 12 years of mercenary work under her belt and 5 in the Gridanian military before that, she has a good number of stories to tell. 


Either way, best of luck on the hunt!

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I think my Roegadyn, Gentle Willow (who lacks a wiki at the moment), and Roroko would get along quite swimmingly. She can certainly empathize with Roro's desire to get out into the world as that is something she herself is trying to do as well. They can also totally be mage buddies! Feel free to add/pm me in game. I should be online around 2pm est and we could work something out if a polite and wordy hellsguard is to taste.


'Polite and wordy'...Gentle Willow sounds like she'd be a great friend for someone like Roro :P I'll definitely be on the lookout for you around that time (if I'm not still dying to proto ultima by then...)!!

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Hey there!


In the case of Pentral, I'm gonna make you an offer you can't refuse (or you can, who knows). The Mischief's Coven is essentially the organized mob, and Pentral could likely find employment there (certainly by the sound of it, she'd be a good fit). You don't necessarily need to join the Coven either- we employ private, non-FC contractors via an IC LS as an alternative to membership so you can get in on jobs. The Coven operates a hole-in-the-wall tavern 'front' for its operations- all you need to do is show up at the tavern and order a 'bloody mary' to get a back room meeting where the particulars are worked out. 


Beyond that hook, there's also the possibility of simply running into Kasi! She's a veteran mercenary, trader, cook, and occasional bartender. Although she has a strong bias toward Miqo'te, she isn't exactly racist and can get along well with just about anyone. With a good 12 years of mercenary work under her belt and 5 in the Gridanian military before that, she has a good number of stories to tell. 


Either way, best of luck on the hunt!


I've no plans to move Pen to another FC at the moment (but it's definitely something I'd like to do once her IC classes are properly leveled/geared), but I'll definitely be keeping you guys in mind for when I do. For now I think the LS would be a perfect fit for her, and can't wait to jump on that opportunity!!


I think a prior meeting with Kasi would help set things up for a nice segue into Pentral getting involved with the Coven, if you'd like to work something out for that!

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Zozomaru Roromaru is a known treasure hunter, who often disappears for days on end on trips to find... well... treasure. Zozo and your merchant could easily have a business contract, as Zozo is often in the market for supplies and information. Feel free to hit me up, though I'm out of town for a few days so you likely won't see me on until Sunday.

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Yeah, can do! I'm generally on nightly from 5-11 PM CST, and all day on weekends. Happy to stage an encounter! Putting you into the LS is probably best too- I think we hit our membership cap last night anyhow. We can work something out later if you change your mind.


Sorry for the late response, I'll look for you around that time soon and you can add me to the LS then, as well as plan out our RP if you'd like :)

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As for your shut in merchant, she'd probably eat out Sarna's heart. She's a wanderer by nature and knows a fair bit about adventure. Hit me up in game if you ever want to rp, I'll have her wander on by.


You can see her profile here: https://wiki.ffxiv-roleplayers.com/pages/Sasarna_Sarna


Meeting other lalas is always a pleasure, I'll be on the lookout for you! Likewise, feel free to poke me ingame if you ever see me around!

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Zozomaru Roromaru is a known treasure hunter, who often disappears for days on end on trips to find... well... treasure. Zozo and your merchant could easily have a business contract, as Zozo is often in the market for supplies and information. Feel free to hit me up, though I'm out of town for a few days so you likely won't see me on until Sunday.


More business partners never hurt, and I'm sure Roro will worm her way into a long conversation with Zozo when she learns of his work...traveling stories are one of her guilty pleasures, and the treasure hunting would be an added bonus :P

No worries, if you happen to see me around when you do get back don't be afraid to send me a message as well!

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