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Broken Friendships, searching for understanding.

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Hi all, this is my first major move for more Public RP! (Also trying to be more upbeat!)


Looking for Moderate RP'ers and a Linkshell to have some good IC interactions. Looking more for serious toned RP interactions, with a focus on looking for people to help old friends (and lovers) reconcile after a year of silence.


Currently open for RP on:

Miahtoux Daphenier.


TL;DR the wiki:

Miahtoux is a rather introspective Wildwood Elezen. He enjoys having these deep conversations with others, but is also partial to long walks and harsh training. Currently he is going through a difficult time trying to reconnect with friends, and an outside perspective may help him find that connection again.

Possible Interactions:

  • Hired Help
  • Currently looking for an Aether Specialist/healer
  • philosophical ramblings (cause some people like that kinda stuff)
  • Help with dragons
  • Ishgard encounters (I'll let you decide what these are.)

If you think of something else while reading the wiki page feel free to ask me about it here on in a private message.


please check out the wikipage, its a bit of a ramble but I hope someone will find it interesting.


Also open to RP dungeon runs, RP encounters and general Walk-ups if you see me in-game with my RP status on or ask me here and send me a /tell in game.


At the moment I am having trouble deciding what kinds of people I am looking to RP with, so if you want to RP with me just drop me a message in game or here, I just want more people to talk to :P 

(because I am lonely in this game :cry: )

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Little Bump post. With some Info


Since I am not sure how people who get in touch here can connect in game I am putting this here.

If I am online on this site I am either live in game or available to RP. If you want to RP with me as I said before pls drop a message here with:

where you will be at 

what time you want to RP 

and the introduction/segway we can use to get started (i.e. why our characters would interact.)


If you can't think of the last one let me know and I can come up with something ^^

The only reason I am asking for this info is because I am a bit nervous about being the one to actually start the dialogue. (Especially if I make a fool of myself). I tend to be much more comfortable if I know what is going to happen an all that.


So great to see even a little interest in my rambling RP.

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Simple enough ^^



where you will be at 

Sarna is a wanderer, so she tends to be anywhere. It makes her easy to put into places for rp <3

what time you want to RP 

If I'm online, I'm 70% likely to be free <3

and the introduction/segway we can use to get started


You said you're looking for a healer, yus? Sarna would seek you out to help no problem. <3

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Simple enough ^^



where you will be at 

Sarna is a wanderer, so she tends to be anywhere. It makes her easy to put into places for rp <3

what time you want to RP 

If I'm online, I'm 70% likely to be free <3

and the introduction/segway we can use to get started


You said you're looking for a healer, yus? Sarna would seek you out to help no problem. <3


Awesome :D 

I plan to be at Costa Del Sol in about 10-15 minutes. Feel free to come for some RP. I could easily imagine that Miahtoux would put out a kind of advert looking for a healer.

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Hey there! Found your way here pretty fast, huh? ;)


So, for starters, there's Kasi. She's a wandering mercenary, trader, cook, and occasionally a bartender (which includes philosophy by consequence). There's a lot of different ways Miahtoux could interact with her, depending on what interests you most: hired help, drinking buddy (philosophy), a roadside encounter or even an enemy come after him for some job. She can show up just about anywhere. It's really up to you!


That aside, ShroudLife might be a potential link for you too. It's a LS devoted to wilderness RP- pretty much anywhere outside of the main cities. You can wander into gatherings and camps, plus there's an event once every 2 weeks as well. You're certainly more than welcome! 


Both of these are linked below.


Best of luck on the hunt!

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Hey there! Found your way here pretty fast, huh? ;)



I hope that is a compliment :lol:


Thank you for the info on the LS I will check it out if I can. Definately interested in the options you mentioned. But Currently busy (possibly Rp'ing with another friend). Drop me a line in game if you want to set something up but this thread doesn't say I am available or anything. I'm trying to keep it updated when I am free and such.


If I am not active on Miahtoux it is possible I might be on one of the Alts in my Signature.


Also Cacata, thank you for the great RP today and the interesting advancements to my characters story. ^^

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