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Wandering Hyur Highlander seeking a little more than friends

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This here, is Dahlia. A Hyur Highlander with a small gambling compulsion, and an even heftier dose of nurturing and caring. As much as she's an amateur fistfighter at present, she's quite the lax one, and even more friendly than she's carefree.

This here is her profile: https://wiki.ffxiv-roleplayers.com/pages/Dahlia_Spades#tab=General


Now, while it may seem information sparse, that's on purpose, for I do not wish to spoil who Dahlia is, and what she can be along the course of any play. While I am new to Balmung and not quite the seasoned FFXIV player, I can safely say that I am an experienced roleplayer.


With Dahlia being a bisexual, leaning heavily toward female, I seek a romance scenario; something soft and gentle, with another whom is willing to unravel her, mask and all, and accept her for who she is, and likewise, Dahlia herself, to her companion.


I have no qualms about mature themes. In fact, they are welcome with open arms. However, as with any RP, communication and discussion is key. Brainstorming first would be much appreciated!


That being said, my timezone is UTC, and I admit, I'm not subscribed all the time, so there's that. Then again, should there be any bites, please ping me! 


Thanks for reading!

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Hello and welcome! I've just come back to ffxiv and am looking to expand my 2 characters circle of friends. I am EST so our times are likely only going to sync up on Wednesdays and Sundays  (my two days off) but let me know if you want to set something up!

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I have a character that is very head strong and is a puzzle of a person, impossible to read and has a knack for never doing what you'd expect of her. She is a weapon specialist and tactician. She can be rough around the edges at first but I shall leave any further detail to be discovered. She too is bisexual. If you'd like to arrange something don't hesitate to PM me. Character's name is Khallendra Khaine

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I don't think I can help with giving you a romantic relationship as it would be a bit difficult with my characters, but if you're looking for more friends I could always set something up here on the forums; (one of my characters lives in quite a shell and it always needs some pressuring.) I know you said you're looking for more than just that, but I'll offer it anyways.


Oh, and in the same manner, my characters have detail left out too; I don't really give their backstories and only the essential information to what needs to be known about the character, (Rhett does need a trim, though).


Anywho, I wish you luck in your search for romance!

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