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The wandering Kit

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So thought I'd put this out there, but quite often my char is out exploring the shroud on her own or even making visits to Gridania. So if folks spend a lot of time around there, they are welcome to RP with me because when I am RPing, I wear the roleplay tag. Now that being said, my char is in need of an education.


She learned "outsider" words from her Vadajiit (In her clan language, that means master), but she has no idea the translation of the word master to eorzean. She also only knows how to count only to around 20 and she doesn't know how to read or write (she usually has someone read to her). So if your character teaches youngsters, they are welcome to teach Kailia.

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This seriously sounds like something I would enjoy, but I am sadly limited to Forum RP right now. Ironically, the only character I have that would be eligible is Duke Rhett and his Miqo'te servant; both Myrrh and Fe'lanah cannot read as well.


Ah well, it would be sort of odd to do it in forum roleplay, but if you are interested you can message me about it.


Anywho, I wish you luck in finding someone!

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