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Caustic Xaela Seeking New Friends... ^^;

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So, I have this little Xaela girl... and she's kind of a big ol' {expletive}... and she sort of needs some more contact with humanity and all its wonders in the hopes of, oh I don't know, becoming a little more sensitive to the feelings of others. Mostly strangers. 



Arisu Ai is... well, she's exactly what one might expect from a Xaela girl raised in a small Doman village -- surrounded by Raen and Hyur... children who poke fun and giggle behind her back... older kids who shove her into the ground and play victim... 

          And lets not forget that the poor thing is practically evil incarnate. Abrasive and as nasty as they make them, she's prone to a bit of verbal abuse when flustered... lashing out like the wildkin she was born to be.



I would very much like to expand her horizons however, and introduce her to more than just my Free Company comrades -- whom I knew would welcome her with open arms and delighted grins. And by expand her horizons I do mean get her involved with people of all walks of life. Nice people, mean people, strange people... people she can rely on to tell her that she shouldn't speak in such a way... people to tell her that she's rude, nasty and downright intolerable... and perhaps some people to share in her misery and particular breed of unpleasantness. 



Some aspects I am very interested in pursuing include: more bodyguards (she's going to need them once rumors get out), like-minded individuals who see the potential in certain experiments, the good ones who might help pull Arisu's scales (balance her out), rivals (because everyone needs a good rival), long and short term RP buddies... casual meetings that happen once or twice a month are nice, but so is long-term engagement in which we speak and RP once or twice a week. 

          I like to think I am fairly flexible, though I do have a full-time job and many, many nights are spent trudging along at work. So, please keep such in mind as there will be times where I am too drained for any kind of serious interaction. And for that I do apologize. ^^; 

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You mentioned you need bodyguards so my character could get hired by yours for such a task. I am unsure of how to reach you out in-game or when, so do send me a PM wherever if interested.


My character's name is Koro Dotharl.

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I'll have to see what my schedule looks like coming up, but I've got an Au Ra of my own (Albeit a Raen) that I've been meaning to get out into the world more often.


If all lines up on my end for the forseeable future, I'd be happy to see about settings some things up with you!

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