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Doman Raen Ronin seeking connections.

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Celyaena Surin is a female Raen from Doma who came to Eorzea with Yugiri's refugee group. She has a love for exploring ruins, reading old tomes and learning new trades such as goldsmithing. After leaving her sword behind when she fled Doma she now uses a bow and spear in battle. She remains tight lipped about much of her past and comes off as shy or quiet to those she does not know. She is kind hearted and will not hesitate to defend her friends no matter what.



OOC: First and foremost Celyaena is a lesbian(shocker I know), should a relationship arc happen it happens, I don't want to know the persons life story outside of the game, I don't want your facebook and I don't want to skype or cam you or whatever it is you kids do these days. I just want an interactive and meaningful RP relationship....should it happen. Much of her backstory is going to be unknown until Stormblood releases and/or more lore about Othard and Doma come to light. Her main class will be Samurai as well with her off class being Red Mage(again shocker I know).


I don't talk to much as I'm trying to get my feet wet in RP, I'll be quiet at first and respond to the best of my ability until I get to know the people I RP with(this has to do with how I am in real life sorry). My response times might be a few seconds delayed as I play on the PS4 and can only respond as fast as it takes me to put down my controller and type on the keyboard, also I have to maximize the chatbox so I can actually read what is being posted. I'm not 100% on the lore and what I do know is from the MSQ and various side quests, I'm currently at the part of Heavensward where you first meet the WoD so I'm not going to know much about Alexander or Dun whathaveyou.


RP style: Casual-Medium(I have 2 kids so I tend to go afk sometimes). I'm more into Tavern RP with RP battles played out in either pvp or pve(I'm not very good at the DnD roll system as I don't find it engaging enough). I absolutely love RP dungeons/raids.


I am also looking for an FC, preferably an Archeology/Knowledge based one or a Doman Military one. Also seeking an IC and OOC linkshell so I can have people to talk to or make the chat feel alive while I am leveling or farming.


You can find me in game on Celyaena Surin, my hours are anywhere between 3pm-4am or 8am-10pm central us time which is GMT -6.

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Would love to get together and RP sometime with my character Aoi! She is also a Raen refugee who's trying to make a place for herself. As for relationships shes into both genders ;3 but shes fascinated with music striving to become a successful bard. Shes trying to reconnect with her race.


Let me know if you want to do something!


EDIT: (also think ronin are super cool and am super excited for stormblood as I try to level cap)

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I too started a Ronin, though male Raen. I went for a kind of Samurai/Yakusa past for them, and now they are torn by a conflict within themselves. They could fall lower into darkness or rise up into the light, only the RP will determine that.

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What's that? Looking for an archaeology/Doman military themed fc? Well, then you should check out Azeyma's Oath (link in my signature)! We're a band of treasure hunters that delve into ruins looking for artifacts, study the good ones, and make sure the potentially bad ones never see the light of day again. We focus mostly on the archaeology side, but we're also lightly Doman themed and will probably move the fc to Doma once Stormblood comes out.


There's also my own character, Kazukata, who's a Doman ex-footsoldier that also ended up in Yugiri's refugee group. He ended up on the ship after being put in critical condition a few days prior, thus getting him a ticket to safety with the civilians. He was largely despondent during that time and probably not a great conversation partner, but it's conceivable that Celyaena could know him from there.

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