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Apprentice Astrologian and Fortune Teller looking to help . . .

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Benedict is a bit of a vagrant and street person, but he is also an apprenticing astrologian and fortune teller who has begun to ply his trade while panhandling outside of the Quicksand. Ben is mostly a vagrant by choice as he gives most of his money away (or spends it on booze) beyond the cost of his training and loves the freedom of a life without worry of more material things. If anyone needs a fortune teller (or vagrant for that matter) for a story line they are working on or simply would like an in character reading then he is happy to oblige. If you have a particular way you want a story to go and need a fortune teller to help reinforce that then he can do that, or if you are truly adventurous and just want to have the reading go unscripted to see what the cards say, then he can do that as well.


As a side note, Ben is also a bit of a recovering villain, so if you have any stories where you need a bad guy to have hurt or killed your character, a friend of your character, or family member, then he may fit the bill for that as well. This would take a bit more discussion to work out the specifics and it would be with the understanding that I am now playing him as a reformed man walking the path of redemption.


Anyway, that is my offer to the community. Feel free to message me if any of those ideas seem appealing to you/your character.

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I am now playing him as a reformed man walking the path of redemption.

Ooh, reformed character. -squeak- 

This excites me so very, very much. I'll have to keep my eye out for Benedict while wandering around the outskirts of the Quicksand as I think it would be interesting for Arisu to bump into someone who has given up his life as a villain for something... better? 

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Ooh, reformed character. -squeak- 

This excites me so very, very much. I'll have to keep my eye out for Benedict while wandering around the outskirts of the Quicksand as I think it would be interesting for Arisu to bump into someone who has given up his life as a villain for something... better? 


Glad to see some aspect of my character got you excited. I certainly welcome a chance to rp with anyone who cares to take interest with my very complicated little for.early murderous panhandler. Also, I've found that IC panhandling is an excellent way to generate rather positive random rp with all manner of characters and if someone ever wishes to meet Ben in game but can't think of a good hook then coming up to him as he does his thing outside the Quicksand works pretty damn well as the initial "ice breaker" roleplay.

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Benedict is a bit of a vagrant and street person, but he is also an apprenticing astrologian and fortune teller who has begun to ply his trade while panhandling outside of the Quicksand. Ben is mostly a vagrant by choice as he gives most of his money away (or spends it on booze) beyond the cost of his training and loves the freedom of a life without worry of more material things. If anyone needs a fortune teller (or vagrant for that matter) for a story line they are working on or simply would like an in character reading then he is happy to oblige. If you have a particular way you want a story to go and need a fortune teller to help reinforce that then he can do that, or if you are truly adventurous and just want to have the reading go unscripted to see what the cards say, then he can do that as well.


As a side note, Ben is also a bit of a recovering villain, so if you have any stories where you need a bad guy to have hurt or killed your character, a friend of your character, or family member, then he may fit the bill for that as well. This would take a bit more discussion to work out the specifics and it would be with the understanding that I am now playing him as a reformed man walking the path of redemption.


Anyway, that is my offer to the community. Feel free to message me if any of those ideas seem appealing to you/your character.


I actually have a fun idea involving his checkered past and my Miqo'te, Katrilia. We could set something up if you're interested!

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I actually have a fun idea involving his checkered past and my Miqo'te, Katrilia. We could set something up if you're interested!


Yes! That is exactly why I made this post, to expand on my own story while adding to those of other characters. :) Feel free to message me with your ideas. Cheers!

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Hi there! My girl Roroko has recently gotten into astromancy, and wouldn't mind making an acquaintance or two she could learn beside and share her findings with.


As for Benedict's past, I'd be very interested in setting something up with Pentral! She's still very much a 'does as she pleases' type of person, which leads to her leaning a little more on the villainous side...as a pirate she's seen many people change & redeem themselves though, so I think setting up a past connection between her and Ben would be really cool, if you're interested!

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Hi there! My girl Roroko has recently gotten into astromancy, and wouldn't mind making an acquaintance or two she could learn beside and share her findings with.


As for Benedict's past, I'd be very interested in setting something up with Pentral! She's still very much a 'does as she pleases' type of person, which leads to her leaning a little more on the villainous side...as a pirate she's seen many people change & redeem themselves though, so I think setting up a past connection between her and Ben would be really cool, if you're interested!


That could work very well. I've taken two long breaks from the game and Ben in general. The first was after my first son was born and I decided Ben left Eorzea for a time sailing the open seas, so maybe that would for a time to have run across your character. The second time I took a long break was for the birth of my second son, and that is when Ben went to a very dark place and was a murdering villain for a bit, so if that works better for you then let me know. Feel free to PM me any ideas you have.


I'm always up for rp if you catch me <3 Plus! My character is an AST. (sort of)

We can talk ast things <3




Always up for meeting new people. I'll keep an eye out for you.

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Hey!  So- reading this- I would LOVE to have an event with a fortune teller at our establishment and if you're interested in a job, I'd love to poke you relentlessly and set something up. 


Our FC's RPC Page


And even if you don't want to do an event, my character Eshea Tende can use a reading.  <3


Yes on both counts! Send me a PM with your ideas and we can work it out! Cheers!

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If you ever want some "fickle fate" RP then let me know. Maybe something around converging or conflicting divinations?


Nebbs, you are my first stop when looking for another character to have Ben bounce readings off of lol. Same offer goes your way if you ever need it to reinforce/cast doubt in a storyline. Cheers!

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