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Entertainers NEEDED for April!

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Hello wonderful people of the RPC!


I am in the midst of planning the next tavern event for our wonderful little FC and have decided

that I want to do a "feature" show. A show starring two or three people. Your character would be in the spotlight with many adoring fans cheering them on!


***Warning, Will Robinson, warning****

This could be a BURLESQUE show!  


Here's what's needed;

~Available the weekend of April 22nd to the 23rd.  

~8pm EST til 10 or 11pm, depending on the performance. 

~Able to keep in contact weekly.

~Comfortable being able to perform sparsely clothed while in the midst of a rowdy crowd. 

~Provide suggestions/feedback/help coordinate and plan the show.



Interested persons! Please contact me here via PM or in game on Y'rhenasi Jadel.  My discord is Caya.6424 which I can be reached at anytime.  



Rhen :moogle:

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