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Looking to recruit FC Officers for RP FC

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So a friend of mine and I have started a new RP FC. That thread (that we're currently updating) can be found here: Click this link!!

I will put some of our info here as well as what we're looking for:


We are an ambitious trading company that seeks to make sure that the highest quality of goods come into the deserving hands of all the citizens across Eorzea. We will scour the deserts of Thanalan, delve into the caves of the Black Shroud, take down the pirates that still roam the seas of La Noscea, and travel the northern lands to find the finest materials for your crafting and cooking needs. We even sell rare luxuries that you can only find with our company. With time, we wish to expand our reach to all of Eorzea and beyond so that all can enjoy the services of the Blackwing Traders.



We are looking for officers at the moment who can aid in IC and OOC ventures!

These roles include:



FILLED Webmaster

  • In charge of the company website

  • Keep it up to date

  • Add events to calendar

  • In charge of social media presence to promote the FC

IC Head of R&D

  • Planning IC events around the members of the R&D Division
  • Encouraging members to create their own events for character arcs or side plots
  • Encouraging members to join in other’s events

FILLED IC Head of Trade

  • Planning IC events around the members of the Trade Division

  • Encouraging members to create their own events for character arcs or side plots

  • Encouraging members to join in other’s events.

FILLED IC Head of Militia


  • Planning IC events around the members of the Militia Division

  • Encouraging members to create their own events for character arcs or side plots

  • Encouraging members to join in other’s events.


All officer positions require an OOC interview by the leader first. All officers are responsible for their positions and all of the duties that fall within. All officers are required to attend OOC officer meetings. Lastly, all officers must be active. Please do not apply if you plan to join on your alt.




If any of these works for you, please see our company charter and contact either Charce Noirterel or Soren Shieldbreaker in-game or apply on our shivtr.

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