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Looking for a start on Balmung (FC & Mentor(s))

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Wanting to get started on Character Progression and RP.  Mostly casual in my current play, but desire to progress to a more medium level in both progression (just enough to see the built in game story) and RP.   

Looking for Free Company and/or Mentors to provide guidance in developing my character/character story and my personal RP abilities.  Prefer to stay close to the cannon(?) lore of the game, but am willing to bend as long as it is not in direct opposition.   Can not guarantee specific playtime schedule, but will make every effort to attend scheduled events outside of work hours (-7 GMT).  I am open to ideas for characters / RP and am not set on playing a particular race, job, story, or RP type.   


My main character at the moment is a Miqo'te Dark Knight named M'iriya Pahri.  I am leaning towards a Vigilante style RP.  In public, M'iriya would be a servant of some sort, never displaying any heavy armor or weaponry.  Very few(if any) would know her as a Dark Knight, well at least those among the living.  Her servant position would involve travel and interacting with the local working class populace.  Her disposition would be cheerful and humble.  


M'iriya's vigilantism(sp?) would be directed at those who see themselves to be above the law or immune to responsibility for some pious reason.  The deaths of the victims would not be assassinations, rather they would be violent and gruesome battles.   None would be left alive to provide witness to the incident.  


I am not sure if M'iriya would willfully select the victims, or if they'd be the result of a triggered subconscious zealot. 



Anywho, just looking for a starting point.  Nothing set in stone, and I'm very flexible as long as it is reasonably close to the existing FFXIV lore.  I take instruction well and have an open mind to constructive criticism.

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Hey there, not a bad start! 


Your description immediately made me think of the Hydaelyn Protectors which is a vigilante group LS based out of a house in the Goblet. There's a link to them in my signature as well- you'll want to get in contact with Deahfel about that. The Coven also has a few independent "Batmen" that are gearing up to oppose the efforts of the mob (organized crime) from a position of secrecy too, similar to what you're suggesting here. 


Obligatory Miqo'te master race.

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Hi M'iriya,


I would certainly be glad to work with you with any of your RP goals and least get you pointed in the right direction depending on what specifically you wanted to develop(I am far from a lore expert for example). It would be interesting to see how your character would fit into the Protectors as they generally range from LG-CG on the alignment spectrum. It seems like we have a similar goal to see justice restored, but with a different approach.


Feel free to shoot me a tell in game or you can add me on discord (Deahfel #0582) and we can discuss it further if you would like.

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Hello M'iriya!


If you'd like my FC is a good aligned FC that are a group of relic hunters researching for interesting artefacts in ruins and abandoned cities. We have several wards like medic and security that would help many sorts of characters fit in. If you'd like to know more send me a PM and check out my signature for a link to our RPC page/website/etc.

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I'll be sure to reach out to you both.  I want to add (or maybe clarify) that I do not have anything from a RP standpoint and my character is mostly new from a game mechanics standpoint.  The only thing not new about the character is that it has done enough of the MSQ to unlock the Heavensward jobs.  


I am not locked to any race or job.  I created 7 placeholder characters prior to transferring, so I would have all 8 slots available.  I have fantasia available on all the characters and I am more than willing to do a name change.  The only restriction that I have is that the character be female (which I will gladly explain in private.. discord/tells/forum PMs/etc)


I will put in the time and effort to start from ground zero.  I just want to participate in the world of FFXIV and Balmung RP community.

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If you're looking for a company that's a bit more grey aligned, or at least chaotic good, check out The Outriders! We're a private investigation FC that also deals with monster/treasure hunting. 


Also, if you're looking for a mentor for Dark knight, my character Naomi can help you there! Either with general greatsword training or mental training to handle the dark side!


If you have questions you can pm me here, or on discord as Amanda#7359. In game I'm known as N'aomi Kett. Hope to hear from you soon!

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My friend and I are currently recruiting for a brand new FC.

We're recruiting mainly officer positions, but we're looking for new friends too (it's a trading company that is morally...ambiguous in how it operates and looks to expand help into dangerous territories in Doma/Ala Mhigo).

More info: http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/showthread.php?tid=18958

Our company is based out of Limsa for now thanks to all the ports.


OR if you want to try your hand at being an officer and helping us build up, more info here: http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/showthread.php?tid=18961


We're just starting out, so at the moment we are kind of lax but Soren and I RP quite a bit.


If you're interested or have any questions, feel free to PM me or contact me in-game (Charce Noirterel) or the other leader (Soren Shieldbreaker)

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