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New-ish to Balmung, Old to RP, Unfortunate EU-er

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Hello there folks!


Got up a little courage and decided to finally make an account here as well as post a hello.  I've been on Balmung since I started the game, transferred over immediately to be with a few friends.  While I have made some new friends, it hasn't been many as I am unfortunately in an EU time-zone with limited times I can play.  I would like to make more friends, since I'm fairly much stuck in 'can only do casual rp because events last too long for my schedule'.  So with that said, feel free to send a /tell or a message either here or in-game to Kahro Tejya and hopefully we can meet up for some casual getting to know you chatting!


The premise is fairly easy, Kahro has an almost insatiable wanderlust and travels between the three core cities (will be four once I get her into Heavensward) and I like to think and hope that she appears to be rather unobtrusive most of the time, someone a stranger could come up to and ask their opinion on a raging debate between two friends or for a gil or two for lunch if they're falling short, or whatever sort of non-major-plot driven something that happens in life from time to time.


Hope to see at least some of you in game, and thanks for letting me 'intrude' into the forum!

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I'm taking a guess here by think you'd prefer in-game roleplay, but if you're ever into any Forum RP don't hesitate to send a message my way. I'm not really around in-game for a number of multiple reasons, so I'm here most of the time.


Anywhose, I wish you luck in your search!

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Hellooo fellow EU-er!


I myself have been trying as hard as I can to make some RP connections, but it's definitely much more difficult when you're hours ahead of everyone else. So far I've managed to get some RP done but it's always had to be late at night. It'd be great to be able to RP with someone in the same timezone! If you're up for RP at all, drop me a message, or add me in game if you catch me on one of my characters (currently in the process of levelling Q'rhin so he's the one to look out for)!

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Hey there and welcome aboard to the RPC and to Balmung! :thumbsup:


There are definitely EU groups around. I'm fairly certain Azeyma's Oath is generally more active in the EU timezones, for example. I think you'll just need to try and get properly connected with the other EU players via FC and LS! I'm pretty sure there's an EU LS around here somewhere.

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Welcome to the server! I run a EU LS/Discord where we have a lot of members within the EU community on Balmung. If you want an invite just give me or someone on the list a message! Hope that helps.


Also check out the Balmung EU tumblr that I run with other members of the EU community, that will help you with some RP events too.




IF you want an invite to the Balmung EU Discord it's here. https://discord.gg/wEax2qX

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