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New to this whole thing!


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Uhh, hey guys! I was pointed here by a friend somewhat, and figured I'd say hello.


Finally got onto Balmung, and want to try to get into the roleplaying world here, though I don't have experience with FF as a medium, and am still trying to grasp the lore and all.


Truth be told, there's a lot on here and in game I don't fully get yet, but I'm trying!


Also, hello!

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Hi! Welcome to the site! :love: It's definitely a lot to learn but if you ever need any help in game or want to RP I'd be more than happy to! I'm Sileas Bishop in game! Also you should check out the RP Calendar, here! You can go to them just to check out people RPing if you don't feel comfortable RPing yourself.


But I wish you luck figuring things out, and there's always people around to help if you need it!:moogle:

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