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I'm a cute Au'Ra that just joined this community.

"Recruit a friend" has bringed me to Zodiark,but i have found that is not the best server for RP


Anyway i hope to find someone or a LS to make some RP...so: someone interested to RP with me on Zodiark?

I'm not very expert but i'm not so bad :)


Thank you all


- Cheers



PS: English is not my native language,so please forgive my inevitable grammar errors :P

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Not really sure what the RP scene is like on Zodiark. I think you're the first person I've ever heard mention it!


If you're struggling to find anything there though, I would recommend creating a character over on Balmung as that's where the vast majority of RP happens. If you can find a few people there that are up for it though then go for it :thumbsup:

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If you're struggling to find anything there though, I would recommend creating a character over on Balmung as that's where the vast majority of RP happens. If you can find a few people there that are up for it though then go for it :thumbsup:


I must note that "creating a character" on Balmung itself is nigh-impossible these days since it's basically on perma-lockdown due to population size. Unfortunately, to get a character (or characters) in requires a one-time real money payment - a character transfer. On the plus side, however, one paid character transfer lets you move as many as eight characters at once from one server to another. So, if you're going that route, I'd recommend making alts for all the ideas for characters you might have and then bring them all over at once. Even if you ultimately never use them, they'll still be there in case you decide you want to play one of them.

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I must note that "creating a character" on Balmung itself is nigh-impossible these days since it's basically on perma-lockdown due to population size. 

Ah, didn't realize that. I know it was pretty bad a few years ago when I first started playing. Had to login at like 6am or something in that sweet spot between American's sleeping and Europeans not waking up yet. Guess it would only get worse though! Glad I made a bunch of characters back in the day!

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Hey,thank you all for reply.

yes,i was wondering to create a new char on Balmung or tranfer my actual toon.

The thing that actually tratein me on Zodiark is the time i will need to grow up another character to same level to the current for craft and jobs,and my wonderful little house.


Damn...i love my little house!


I will see...i will try to create a new toon on Balmung to check the ping and take a look around,and will wait SB to see if something will show up in Zodiark before decide.


:) Cheers

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Yeah, trying to get a house on Balmung is basically a pipe dream as well. I've been trying to get one for one of my characters for months now... and am vaguely hoping the new housing area in SB will give me a chance to finally be a homeowner.


Unfortunately, as I said, though... you really won't be able to "create" a character on Balmung. It's full to bursting. The only way to get a character on it is by character transfer. So I don't know how well doing that to look around will work out for you. :blush:

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Unfortunately, as I said, though... you really won't be able to "create" a character on Balmung. It's full to bursting. The only way to get a character on it is by character transfer. So I don't know how well doing that to look around will work out for you. :blush:


Yes,i understand the point...but i like to dream :)

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