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Looking for Long Term Monk Mentor RP

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Heya! While it's always been my hope to run my Pugilist character into a Monk ICly and have him train with them, with Stormblood coming out and my schedule keeping only just now letting me get back into heavy RP, I figured I'd try and see if anyone was looking for a pupil here on the RPC, and maybe try and organise a dynamic mentor/student RP relationship. 


With that said, let me tell you a bit about my character! 


Who is he: His name is C'taikha Tia, a young Miqo'te of 19 years who comes from a tribe deep in the Sagolii Desert. Ever since he was young, he's wanted nothing more than to fight, and he dedicates most of his time to training, or seeking out strong opponents to test his skills. Taikha is a very eager, enthusiastic character, who wants to become one of the greatest fighters in Eorzea, and maybe even beyond! While he is competitive, and never holds back, he sees every fight as an opportunity to strengthen himself, even if he loses the bout. And when it's over, you can bet that he'll challenge you to a rematch. 


What does he do: As stated above, Taikha's a fighter at heart, but since he does come from a tribe of middling size, he still has duties to perform. He's part of a three man team who delve into ruins and other places of note in search of relics, treasure, or anything else of value that he can then trade or sell for the gold and resources necessary to keep a desert-dwelling tribe thriving. Don't be fooled, though. His main reason for doing this is because he gets a lot of chances to explore the world, and travel outside of his tribe.


How you can find him: Taikha is fascinated with the Monks of the Fist of Rhalgyr, so perhaps you're character lives or has lived in Little Ala Mhigo. Taikha's spent a lot of time there whenever he can sneak away from his tribe, devouring every story and legend about the famous Fist of Rhalgyr told to him by anyone who was kind enough to give him the time of day. Maybe you've heard of the scrappy fistfighter who's always eager for a fight, seen him at the Grindstone or out training in Thanalan. Maybe you've run into his tribe at some point and remember seeing him around. Or maybe he just rocked up out of the blue because you looked like you'd be a strong opponent, and he tried to challenge you to a fight! 


What kind of mentor I'm looking for: This is perhaps the most important point, and I'd like to first state that I'm open to all kinds of characters, but if you're a member (current or former) of the Fist of Rhalgyr, and you have ties to Ala Mhigo, then you're perfect. Your character is preferably older than Taikha, fitting in with the more traditional 'mentor' archetype. OOC, I'm looking for long-term RP, someone who is willing to accept Taikha as their only pupil, and form a real connection with him. Purely platonic, though. No romance, please, that's not what I'm looking for. I'm also hoping your character will be able to drag Taikha into Ala Mhigo sometime! I'd love for him to be connected to the region in a more substantial way than 'I want to explore it'. ^^


About me: I've been RPing since ARR launched, and while I know that isn't very long compared to some RPers out there, my RP style has developed into a strong, para-RP style. Time-wise, I live in Australia, and I understand if that might not work out for some people. It's happened plenty of times that I've met people, only to never see them again simply because our time zones don't match up. But I'll do my best to make sure that we're able to RP consistently. One other thing that needs to be mentioned is that much of my time is spent playing the game with my girlfriend, who also RPs. But don't be discouraged! Meeting my character means you get to meet hers, which means another awesome RP contact for you! ^^


If you read this far, then I want to say thank you so much for bearing with me, and I appreciate you taking the time to check out this thread. If you're interested in mentoring, or even just meeting my cheater (he could always use more friends!) then please feel free to message me here, or send me a message on my Tumblr: @arcarith

If you have any questions, or want to find a character to mentor in the ways of the Monk but you're not sure of you'll make a good fit, message me anyway! Who knows, we just might click really well! 


Thanks again everyone!

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Hey there!


While I'm unable to help you with the mentor, I had to reply here, because Taikha seems VERY much like my character, Maeve. She lives to fight, prove herself against the strongest people and beasts and become stronger and stronger. All the while staying cheerful and overly positive.


I figured we might be able to get some kind of RP going, and maybe Maeve could get a bit of side-tutoring once you do find a mentor. I'm open to talking about it!

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Hey there, Maeve! I definitely won't say no to RP, so if you see me around, feel free to poke me or add me to friends list in game (or player search me) and we'll figure out a time to RP. At the very least, Taikha will jump at the chance to fight her. ^^

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This is something I would be interested in, but I'm only just about to begin playing again after a long break, and haven't actually created my monk character yet. I plan to create a new older Hyur male monk later today to get going again. My wife and I play together, so you would get to meet her character too, not sure what type she is going to roll yet. What my character lacks in current level and in game experience I make up for in real world experience. I am a kung fu teacher- so mentoring people in the way of the martial arts is what I am all about... if you can wait a few weeks for me to get up to level and our timezones/playtimes mesh well enough with we might just have something here! Let's keep in touch and try to meet sometime in any case!



Mystic gc

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Sadly enough all the older Fist of Rhalgr characters I know (including my own) don't really take apprentices or will be too busy with the liberation of Gyr Abania to take on apprentices. Who knows things may change come Stormblood or afterwards though! But for now I'm afraid I can't really point you to directions of older Fists due the reasons above! Doesn't help we are pretty rare on top of that. So I wish you luck finding a mentor!

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You guys looking for a hand to hand instructor, my character is currently training a couple of people already. Send me a message here, or on Discord (El Tigre#8357) and maybe we can work something out. I can also introduce you to a small group of monks I run with as well.

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I woke up to replies! /joys everywhere. Thanks to everyone who responded, and now that I'm seeing a couple people do it, those who are also looking for a Monk Mentor are more than welcome to throw up their request on this thread, too! RP contacts are also extremely welcome, do definitely feel free to hit me up in a PM as well! I also have Discord if that works better for some people. Just add Amra #8435

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