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Hi hi! I'm Cin - feel free to call me Darlingist or anything else, really! - and I'm a returning player to FFXIV. I love Final Fantasy, and FFXIV has to be my favorite game from this series - right next to Final Fantasy Tactics Advance 2. :'D



I didn't get all that far into XIV in the past, admittedly; I had beaten Titan and got spooked out of playing for a good while (being a nervous, newbie healer in a complex fight like Titan while playing with particularly angry players is an intimidating experience) but I'd really like to give this game another try! I had a lot of fun doing light RPs with some friends and slowly chipping away at the game's plot in the past, and I'm really looking forward to doing something like that again.



I have ten years' worth of RP experience, with said experience ranging from LARPing, DnD-esque RPing utilizing similar mechanics, Tumblr RPing and forum RPing. I have no idea how RPing in an MMO works beyond light(/crack) RPs over Discord calls, so I'm very excited to see how heavier RPs in XIV works out.



I have like... a lot of Lalafell characters-- but as of now, only one of them feels RP appropriate :'D He's currently in Mateus, but he'll be transferred into Balmung once three days have passed.



Other than that!! I major in animation, and I love drawing and working with images. (My icon's an ooold Moogle OC I drew a long tome ago, and I made a temporary signature featuring my current FFXIV muse! I'd really like to make a better icon and signature once I have access to Photoshop; as of current, I'm stuck working with Clip Studio Paint.) Writing and RPing are my favorite hobbies - RPing, especially, feels like a fantastic way to develop and improve my writing and characters and meet amazing people.



Aaand... goodness, I'm not sure what else to say! :'D I'm psyched to be here, and can't wait to get to know you folks!

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Hey there and welcome aboard to the RPC and to Balmung! :thumbsup:


Once you're all settled in and have a basic idea on the direction you'd like to head, you should consider tossing up a Making Connections post too as a means to network and hit the ground running. Regardless, best of luck on the hunt!

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I have like... a lot of Lalafell characters-- but as of now, only one of them feels RP appropriate :'D He's currently in Mateus, but he'll be transferred into Balmung once three days have passed.


You can actually transfer them all at once if they meet the requirements - being able to transfer eight characters from a single server to Balming for the single transfer service can save you a lot of money in the long run if you intend to play alts!

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I have like... a lot of Lalafell characters-- but as of now, only one of them feels RP appropriate :'D He's currently in Mateus, but he'll be transferred into Balmung once three days have passed.


You can actually transfer them all at once if they meet the requirements - being able to transfer eight characters from a single server to Balming for the single transfer service can save you a lot of money in the long run if you intend to play alts!


This is pretty highly recommended if you have a bunch of character ideas. Or even if you don't, you'll still have the characters there to fantasia/name-change/whatever should the inspiration hit you. And you won't have to pay the transfer fee again.

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Hey there and welcome aboard to the RPC and to Balmung! :thumbsup:


Once you're all settled in and have a basic idea on the direction you'd like to head, you should consider tossing up a Making Connections post too as a means to network and hit the ground running. Regardless, best of luck on the hunt!



Hello!! > v < ) / Thank you for the welcome!



You can actually transfer them all at once if they meet the requirements - being able to transfer eight characters from a single server to Balming for the single transfer service can save you a lot of money in the long run if you intend to play alts!


This is pretty highly recommended if you have a bunch of character ideas. Or even if you don't, you'll still have the characters there to fantasia/name-change/whatever should the inspiration hit you. And you won't have to pay the transfer fee again.


Oh! I had no idea that world transfers worked that way! Unfortunately, the bulk of my characters are in a server separate from my main character's, and he's the only character I have in Mateus ; _ ; If anything, I can create a few alts in Mateus, wait a few more days, and then transfer everybody into Balmung at the same time. Eep ><;;



Thank you guys very much for the heads-up, though!! I think I'll work on cleaning up my character's page on the Wiki and try to play through the game while I get a few alts going.

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