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Returning-from-hiatus player and newbie at RP!

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I posted here back in July, but unfortunately got extremely busy with real life. Now, with my schedule a little more calmed down, I can devote some time to FFXIV (gotta get prepped for Stormblood!) and do a "reboot" for my Roleplaying; hence me posting in this board a second time.


I'm Aera Espoir. My character is a Storm Lieutenant who, while off-duty, travels the land for adventure and clues to her father's whereabouts of whom she hasn't seen since childhood.


In the past, I've dabbled in some tavern RP on Balmung, but frankly, I've been looking for a FC and/or group to do something a little more serious and plot-focused. Tavern RP is fun and all, but I want something that will allow me to further my character's development and "get into" her head, so to speak.


Coming off from my long hiatus, I've went ahead and updated my Wiki page (it's still kind of a mess, though :P)  and intend to revise some of the old content there and add more when I get a little time.


If there's any communities, FCs or LS'es on Balmung that you'd think I may be interested in, feel free to let me know! And you can check out my Wiki entry in my signature or find me on The Lodestone.


So...yeah. Hey, everyone! Glad to be back. Can't wait to get into RP for real, this time. :D

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Welcome to Balmung and the RPC!

Thank you! I'm looking forward to it. :) I'm hoping I can find some folks on Balmung to RP with and further learn the tools of the RP trade. 


On that note, if you ever find me on Balmung, or want to schedule some RP -- please feel free to /tell me or just send me a PM. c:

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Hello and welcome back to the RPC and Balmung! You may want to throw up a post in the making connections so you can pinpoint exactly the type of RP you are looking for.


I can offer our LS/Discord for you to check out if you are interested. We have a pretty good blend of slice of life/plot RP that happens there as well as some talented RPers who can really help you develop your character and put you in some unique situations.

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Hello and welcome back to the RPC and Balmung! You may want to throw up a post in the making connections so you can pinpoint exactly the type of RP you are looking for.


I can offer our LS/Discord for you to check out if you are interested. We have a pretty good blend of slice of life/plot RP that happens there as well as some talented RPers who can really help you develop your character and put you in some unique situations.

Hello! Yes, I'd be quite interested in that. :) Care to PM me an invite to the Discord and we can set up a time in-game?

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