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Looking for a Xaela Tribe

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You might give Heartsong Sanctuary a look - shoot Kulain Qalli a tell in game; She's got a lore abiding set-up with regular social events that focus primarily on the Mongolian influences that were used for the Xaela design and culture.

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IC: Turuk (Desert Eagle) is a clan under the auspice of the Bairon tribe (one of the 51 major clans of Xaela). We welcome all Xaela regardless of tribes and affiliation (Othardian/Eorzean Xaela). Those who are seeking shelter and succour, and those who are lost and seeking a clan/tribe to call home. 


OOC : We are tribal Xaela heavy RP FC and are always looking for people to RP with. Message Algun Bairon or Maral Oronir in game for further info or visit our website https://turuk-bairon.enjin.com

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