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Former Retainer seeking work

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Hello and thanks fortakin a peek at my post - ! :D  I'm hoping to find connections and hopefully employment for my little Au'ra.


Lilium Daisho is aRaen who grew up in the service of a noblewoman named Lady Yuriki. Lili is well educated and possesses many useful skills. More on that below. She's got a good heart and thus wouldn't really work for anyone with evil intentions.







-tailoring/ mending clothing


-sailing andnautical navigation








-aetheric manipulation




-violin recital


-poetry composition






-aetheric studies


-chocobo racing




-traveling to new places







Liliwould be a great traveling companion. She would love to find a mentor interested in aetheric studies also. Thank you for reading, feel free to please reply to this thread or pm me here on this site. Can't wait to meet you - ! ♡ ♡ ♡

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Just wanted to leave this here...



It got bumped down a ton but I'm still accepting applications. She sounds like a very nice match if you'd be willing to post an application there and maybe answer a couple question. ^.^


Oh okay, I will do that! Yay ty for responding I will put in a post before the deadline . Although I confess I don't hold out much hope as many others better than me have replied already lol

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Just wanted to leave this here...



It got bumped down a ton but I'm still accepting applications. She sounds like a very nice match if you'd be willing to post an application there and maybe answer a couple question. ^.^


Oh okay, I will do that! Yay ty for responding I will put in a post before the deadline .  Although I confess I don't hold out much hope as many others better than me have replied already lol

Believe it or not, your odds may be higher than you think :P. In any case, I still encourage it because I'm also considering having 2 retainers if I end up working out having 1 just fine lol. I look forward to your reply ^.^


EDIT: I'm serious o-o

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