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OOC sound for rp inspiration and anxiety relief

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So, I've been a fan of https://mynoise.net/ for a long time. It's a sound generator billed as white noise. The guy who made it is an engineer with a passion for sounds who goes around the world recording ... well, a whole bunch of shit, from Tibetan monks chanting, to laundromats, to forests, to a cat purring, to rain on a tent. And everything in between, with new ones coming out pretty darn regularly.


I've used it before as background noise for rp (the cafe, or forest), and if you donate you get access to magic generators which pull sounds randomly from other generators based on a theme (the nature one has all the nature sounds, the rain one has all the rain sounds, etc). What makes this one special to me is that when you randomize the generator you're on it really truly makes it sound dynamic -- which can be used as a point of inspiration for writing. Also because sometimes I forget to include sounds in writing, so it's a nice reminder.


Anyways, I had it on this morning and was scrolling through the comments of some of the generators, and noticed a lot of people commenting on how it helped them with stress or anxiety. I know we've had a lot of people roll through the RPC over the years who've said that approaching people for rp is hard or makes them anxious. So, I thought, hey, maybe someone might stumble over this and find a generator that helps, somehow, some way (while hopefully providing some scene inspiration!).


Anyways, anyone else have sounds they throw on to make the rp immersive (I know music is popular, and I do also do the playlist-for-character thing)?

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I listen to a lot of viking or celtic themed music for inspiration. **As a side note, I like that FF14 actually has nice sound itself in comparison to other MMOs. 


Adrian von Ziegler is a good go to for something more inspirational. Some people's anxiety, like mine, is based on confidence, and having something with a powerful feel behind it is the boost needed to step up to the plate. :) 


For anxiety relief I tend to turn to reiki inspired ASMR in the background. Good to kind of clear the mind and mentally prepare, not just for RP, but anything really. Also really good to relax before bed.  :D

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I listen to Meme Music because as it stands Quki is such a go-along-with the flow nihilistic Lalafel that only true music portrays her emotions.

























As a serious answer, I don't like to hazardly throw music, as I believe musics are set most from scenes rather than personality, and ultimately, FFXIV is too much of a cultural meshpot for me to be able to comfortably lay where something works and what doesn't.

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