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It's returners all the way down.


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Like everyone else here, I'm returning. I fizzled out three years ago without even finishing the MSQ, and now I'm back. Shoot me a whisper or a friend request; everyone I knew died in the Calamity.


MMORPG background

FFXI for over five years, heavy into the HNM scene there. Then came WoW (heavy into RP there), and a little GW2.


RP experience

15+ years. I'm not the best writer ever but that's never stopped me.


Character ideas/info

Mai is a failed businesswoman turned adventurer. She's up there in years though you'll probably never get her true age out of her. She can be a little surly upfront but it's all in good fun. I'm looking for other players up for longterm RP and adventuring together!


How did you learn about the coalition?

Someone shouted something about it so I googled it.


What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? (e.g. Light, medium, or heavy)

A solid medium. I prefer to talk a little OOC before we kick off to see where we're going. It's really whatever the situation calls for. I'm one laid back lalafell.


Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc.)

I like to draw, I'm into anime, other games, and editing translations.

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RP experience

I'm not the best writer ever but that's never stopped me.


Character ideas/info

She's up there in years though you'll probably never get her true age out of her. She can be a little surly upfront but it's all in good fun.



I like you already!


Welcome back to the game and welcome to RPC!

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Hey there, and welcome aboard the RPC and back to Balmung! :thumbsup:


Think you may have lucked out a bit here as Balmung recently shut its doors entirely. Nevertheless, there's a whole lot going on so feel free to toss up a Making Connections post to hit the ground running!

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Hey there, and welcome aboard the RPC and back to Balmung! :thumbsup:


Think you may have lucked out a bit here as Balmung recently shut its doors entirely. Nevertheless, there's a whole lot going on so feel free to toss up a Making Connections post to hit the ground running!

I know! Sadly some of my friends from WoW & FFXI couldn't follow me here. And I'm working on my Making Connections post right now! Thanks~

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