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RPer looking for MATEUS groups!

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This is my first time jumping into FF14's rp community, and I noticed that Mateus has a small community that's experiencing some growth.  I'd like to jump in, but I was wondering if you guys could point me in the right direction?  

My RP experience in MMOs include Elder Scrolls Online, Guild Wars 2, RuneScape, SWTOR, having helped direct and coordinate RP events/groups on each.


Thanks in advance, you beautiful bastards. <3:cactuar::cactuar::cactuar:

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This is my first time jumping into FF14's rp community, and I noticed that Mateus has a small community that's experiencing some growth.  I'd like to jump in, but I was wondering if you guys could point me in the right direction?  

My RP experience in MMOs include Elder Scrolls Online, Guild Wars 2, RuneScape, SWTOR, having helped direct and coordinate RP events/groups on each.


Thanks in advance, you beautiful bastards. <3:cactuar::cactuar::cactuar:


Hey there! I do apologise in advance, as I am writing this from my cellphone. But, you can find several FCs and LS listed under their respected listings under "other". There is a discord group, but I can't link it due to phone.


But I do hope that helps you some!

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This is my first time jumping into FF14's rp community, and I noticed that Mateus has a small community that's experiencing some growth.  I'd like to jump in, but I was wondering if you guys could point me in the right direction?  

My RP experience in MMOs include Elder Scrolls Online, Guild Wars 2, RuneScape, SWTOR, having helped direct and coordinate RP events/groups on each.


Thanks in advance, you beautiful bastards. <3:cactuar::cactuar::cactuar:

 Hello and Welcome to Mateus!


If you go to the Free Companies tab, there are a couple of Free Companies, within the Mateus tab, as well as the other tab. Browse around, find what works for your character idea! Also, in terms of connections, I myself have an LS, so if you'd ever like an invite IG, just send Yara Lyehga or Feu Izanami a tell and I will get you set up! :)

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