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Goblin RPing at its finest

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I just transferred over to Goblin from Balmung because I was fed up with the qeues on that server. I wanted to reach out and try to make Goblin a RP server considering it very well could be if people pushed it that way. Its a preferred server and I am hoping to make connections to people that want to RP as well. I am working my way up to getting a mansion and building a grand company for casual people, people that like to RP , and people that want to raid. All and all, I just hope to make Goblin the next rising RP server that people want to be part of.

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I have started a linkshell that is meant to unite people that want to do roleplaying and bonding together. Perhaps even start up groups to raid and just enjoy things together. But the focus more so is to connect to your fellow Roleplayers and get to know one another. Feel free to message me, I am normally on in the evenings after 7:00pm central time.  So if you like RP or Rping in general on Goblin hit me up!


My name is Svira Silverclaire


The Link shell : Goblin RPers

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Going to see if I can bump this to encourage more RP communities grow besides Balmung and Mateus if possible. Since it doesn't hurt to create multiple areas.


Can confirm that Goblin still has plenty of housing slots available here for those who were seeking for one in Mateus and are too late in finding one in particular zones.

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I just wanted to say as someone who started the whole initiative on Mateus... YOU GO GET IT DONE! \o/


I wish you guys all the best of luck and don't ever give up either. Be loud about it, make some videos showing off some of the rp scene there, and don't ever-- ever-- get discouraged. No matter how bad it gets or how much people may nay-say, just stick to your guns.


Stick to your guns and show how enthused you are to help the rp community. Eventually, like with Mateus, it will grow, it will grow and become something wonderful (and if you are like me, you may end up crying about it because of the realization that all the hard work, near ulcers, and roughing up that mountain paid off).


I am glad to see another stepping up for another server to become a place for roleplayers to gather and hope to hear about the growing community there as well in the future! :thumbsup: :love:

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I'm happy to see this post! I recently transferred to Goblin with a few friends, and although I'm already in an FC, I would most definitely like to join the LS!


I will keep an eye out for you.

Well I am on right now my friend! If you want a invite feel free to message me, I will probably be on for another 3hrs or so.


Also, thank you everyone for the encouragement. You all are too kind. I hope to make something amazing out of this because this game is so full of potential for RPing. I really just want to make this move as amazing as I possibly can!

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