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[ Looking for a RP discord! ]

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I'm looking for an RP discord to join so I can gain rp contacts IC. I love to rp on the game and I've never joined a discord before, but I'm looking for one with ZERO drama tolerance (I've heard stories from my friends in discord groups), good natured people who love character development and exciting interactions. 


I love to write and my character is a Miqo whom I've made up my own lore for (Seeker of the sun, his tribe is of my own creation). Long story short hes of a sub-tribe that he left and now sticks almost strictly to cities. He's looking for a purpose. He is a healer, has a spontaneous personality, gets along with most but is probably annoying to many others. Has a past that constantly chases him and thus, he is of the 'flight-not-fight' variety with impressive fierceness when cornered. Has many flaws, including being gabby, not taking things seriously (even in DIRE situations), a wandering mind and a fear of leaving crowded places and being alone in life. He's full of thoughts and will spill them onto you in a huge sting of words and by the end of the sentence, the subject will probably be different than it was when it started. Not a great memory, but has a great mind. Autistic-spectrum-like with a fascination of people and how they work.


Dislikes dirty, 'unlawful' work and would be a good addition to any guard force. Very obedient to the rules. Dislikes roaming but likes to help people. Would do great in a band of characters who rescue or save others, protect others, or bring joy to people. Kindhearted. Lawful good. 



 I could write about him for eons so I'll stop there, but if you have a little group (or a large one!) of people you think would be friends with him, feel free to message here. I'm not one for random rp's that are one on one mostly and would love some structure or a group I could build stories with (setting wise and such!)


As for me, I'll do NSFW but only in the violence case, meaning I will do violent gore and warfare but will not do sexual rp's of any kind. I'm up at all hours. I'm up for making friends and looking forward to any comments / PM's! I'll be taking anything I get into HEAVY regard, so feel free to wall me with information if you wish.



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Hey there!


Your best bet for finding RP Discords is probably going to be via browsing through Linkshells- most Linkshells have a Discord of their own and both are pointed towards giving their members access to networking and contacts. Now, granted, there are a good number of linkshells in the listing here on the RPC that are either completely dead or bordering on inactive. Your mileage may vary but you can tell a lot by the last time there was a post update and by viewing the OP's account profile and seeing when they were last online on the RPC. That should, hopefully, give you some clue! 


In any case though, you're certainly welcome to run into Kasi sometime if you'd like- her wiki page is linked down below. If something tickles, lemme know! Miqo'te master race. *cough*


In any case, best of luck on the hunt!

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