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Rare goods worth trading?

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So, I've been a long time away when it comes to the idea of trade and commerce in Eorzea. I've always wanted to run a bizarre and rare goods emporium and with my most recent character I've decided to start that. However, while I can come up with things to trade and what not I want some input on how to handle it.


Personally I want to build up a lot of rp contacts to either be buyers or sellers (maybe a little of both?). Obviously I don't have this since I am starting a new character but here is the glory of a new character, a chance to see different mind sets and thoughts on the matter. One little idea I came upon yesterday was using clients to also be my sellers (such as offered to get this rare gem made into a jewel while having part of the payment be getting rare herbs to sell to alchemists).


Given what I would like to do versus what I am doing (using NPCs) I am curious what other people's methods are and how you build rp stories out of the whole trading process besides saying "here is money" and "here is item" with no adventure or intrigue involved.


To get the point! The real question here is:

  • :chocobo: How would you or do you handle a character that is a trader/crafter/merchant/caravan-er/sailor/etc.?
  • :chocobo: How do you actually generate the story and life for your character?
  • :chocobo: What would you consider rare/hard to get/bizarre goods in Eorzea (e.g:Morbol Fruit from Aurum Vale)?
  • :chocobo: What do you believe the secret of life (rp) is?

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To get the point! The real question here is:

  • :chocobo: How would you or do you handle a character that is a trader/crafter/merchant/caravan-er/sailor/etc.?
  • :chocobo: How do you actually generate the story and life for your character?
  • :chocobo: What would you consider rare/hard to get/bizarre goods in Eorzea (e.g:Morbol Fruit from Aurum Vale)?
  • :chocobo: What do you believe the secret of life (rp) is?


Here are my answers to my own post:

  1. :chocobo: Buy a house, build it into a shop, build a network of rpers who would have characters who'd frequently use this type of connection (or have so many clients you're always busy), and get into lots of trouble.
  2. :chocobo: Find many ways to twist your deals into fun adventures and possible trouble with others (e.g: Grumpy mage who you stole the tome from, the angry monster that killed one of your mercs, or that man who always tries to barter even though you told him the prices were set).
  3. :chocobo: Rare cure-alls, relics from the past (allagan, mhachi, etc.), varied delicacies not known to the region. ( I have no ideas on specifics thus why I asked what you all think xD)
  4. :chocobo: Controlled chaos.

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To get the point! The real question here is:

  • :chocobo: How would you or do you handle a character that is a trader/crafter/merchant/caravan-er/sailor/etc.?
  • :chocobo: How do you actually generate the story and life for your character?
  • :chocobo: What would you consider rare/hard to get/bizarre goods in Eorzea (e.g:Morbol Fruit from Aurum Vale)?
  • :chocobo: What do you believe the secret of life (rp) is?


Here are my answers to my own post:

  1. :chocobo: Buy a house, build it into a shop, build a network of rpers who would have characters who'd frequently use this type of connection (or have so many clients you're always busy), and get into lots of trouble.
  2. :chocobo: Find many ways to twist your deals into fun adventures and possible trouble with others (e.g: Grumpy mage who you stole the tome from, the angry monster that killed one of your mercs, or that man who always tries to barter even though you told him the prices were set).
  3. :chocobo: Rare cure-alls, relics from the past (allagan, mhachi, etc.), varied delicacies not known to the region. ( I have no ideas on specifics thus why I asked what you all think xD)
  4. :chocobo: Controlled chaos.


As someone who ostensibly plays a crafter character in my little dork of a smith, I guess I can try to take a crack at these questions.


1.) Having a location for your work DOES help, as you have said, but it's not strictly necessary. Especially as a simple merchant type, you could probably try and find stalls and the like that your character can plunk down in and look like you're selling your wares. Especially with how hard to get housing is right now, it helps to have that alternative. I use an FC room right now, but prior to that (and before the advent of apartments) I'd mostly have to use things like the Smithing Guilds or just take my client to a door somewhere and have to use our imagination as I described the smithy on the other side.


Having a group of steady RP buddies is definitely a good thing, but hopefully by playing your merchant well, you'll also attract walk-up RP pretty easily. Especially if you provide a service that is just generically useful (making/repairing weapons and armor like Chachan does) or is attention-grabbing (like your rare and strange items vendor, especially if you pitch it right ICly). Getting into trouble definitely can draw attention and create RP, but so can needing or wanting something and needing help to get it, or exploring somewhere and hiring help to do so safely.


2.) The stuff above touches a bit in this point. Just the ins and outs of trying to run one's own business and make ends meet have a lot of potential for story and interaction. Acquiring items, selling items, advertising, how your character spends their downtime when finally off work. All of that combines together into a decent flow of your character and their story. That mingled with the general unknowns of interacting with others - whether they be rival merchants, potential customers, hired muscle, or just folk you bump into on your off hours... can lead to a bevy of experiences.


3.) There is a whole wealth of potential in just the idea of "rare items." Don't just limit yourself to things that actually exist in game, make some stuff up too! Feathers from a plaid chocobo, the teddy bear of a former ruler, a strange weapon from a far off land. Even generic items could be passed off as rare with a good mercantile spin to it. A potato that looks like the Sultana! A signed poster from a famous Bloodsands fighter. There's a lot to be had here. And, finally...


4.) I think the secret to RP is just to have fun, but still be respectful of the wants and wishes of those you RP with. Enjoy yourself, but don't do it to the point where you're hampering other people's fun in the process. And, as always, communication is key.


So, um... yeah. That's my take on all that.

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I simply let my merchant character attend server events such as the Sea Breeze Bazaar ect. That's how I get most of her roleplay!


That said, I exclusively only deal with imaginary goods and gil. It's the roleplay I care about after all.

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