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Affiliates, Connections, and Associates

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Zair'is is a ronin that helped form his own company known as The Sophic Hand.  After his near death experience and long stint as a POW by the hands of the Empire - he abandoned his previous patriotic stance as a stalwart Maelstrom soldier to one of bringing balance.  He has a much more cynical outlook toward war, mainly due to the reasons they are fought but ultimately finds himself at the disposal of a cause he finds interest in.


He enjoys drinking, dark humor, watching other people try to mack the pants off of others, and eating as many different types of food as he possibly can.  Despite his heavily scarred and rough appearance, he has a surprisingly chipper attitude in most occasions and usually isn't one for verbose commentary - preferring to take the direct route and keep his responses concise and to the point.


I'm not really looking for anything very specific per say, but I certainly welcome anyone who is interested in learning more about his beliefs or his outlook on the current war in Ala Mhigo/Doma.  More simple than that, someone who also shares his interest in food and ale.  After close to two years of being a POW and then training essentially 24/7, he's looking for something a little more light hearted.

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Well you definitely need to come by the After Dark Grill sometime, it's in the Lavender Bed's Ward 7 Plot 40.  It's a steakhouse but the business is a front for people who have similar viewpoints as your character's and definitely our FC as a whole would probably be interested in anything he's willing to teach them about his experiences.  Also, it is a restaurant with the grand opening right around the corner so he can always stop by for steak and a drink!


On a more personal note, my character Missing (Missing Aria in game) would probably be extremely happy to add him to her list of connections.  So if you'd like to hit me up sometime on Discord we can swap ideas for how to set that up.  My Discord tag is Missing_Aria#5466

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  • 10 months later...

Back at it again! Looking for contacts and associates! Just finished up a major story arc for my character so I'm looking to try and meet some new people to RP with!  Feel free to friend me on Discord or shoot me a tell ingame!


Edited by Zeris
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