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New to FFXIV and RPing


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Hey what's up, newcomer here to both FFXIV and RPing. Been having a ton of fun these last few weeks on the Omega world and after listening to and following the advice of others signed up here. About myself, I'm a pretty laid-back guy down for anything so long as everyone involved has fun with it. I'm usually online most of the time RPing, chatting or doing regular content so just add me ingame or on Discord (Aaewcm#5001).


Hi there. :)


Welcome to the forum, and to FFXIV. I played it a couple years back but then got busy with my work, so I haven't been able to return to it yet. Still, I played it enough back then to know that it's a lot of fun. You'll have a blast. :) The community here is really nice, too.


So, welcome!

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