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Gunsmith and Tattoo Artist Looking for Clients and Friends

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Odd combination, but there it is.


I'm sticking my head back into FFXIV for some more casual RP at the moment, and having gotten lucky with grabbing an apartment, I've decided to make use of it as a possible venue.


My character, Aestridh Wynter, is a gunsmith by trade, though she's branching out into other sorts of gadgetry and has a solid grasp on metalwork in general. If you can get past her thick accent, she's a loud, friendly sort who's a bit awkward but is eager to know more people. Having just moved to Uld'ah from Limsa, she's working to expand her business and brighten the realm.


Possible hooks:


You need a gun made or repaired, doesn't matter the size. From little pea shooters to full-size cannons, Aestridh knows her way around them.


You need any other equipment or gadgetry repaired or detailed on a budget. If she doesn't know how to fix something, she'll try her damnedest to find out and get it done.


You want a tattoo. Aestridh's always had a bit of a knack for drawing (see above for metal detailing) and has an interest in tattoos, sporting a number of them herself. You may have heard of her in this regard.


You're a goody-two-shoes who heard of her work through other goody-goodies because of her goodly nature in offering discounts to upstanding folk who beat up evil (if you're a shady type and she knows it, she's probably not going to take work from you).


You are likewise extremely tall and want to brofist with someone else who looks down on all the ants.



What I am NOT looking for:


Shady dealings, anything that involves the overuse of the word 'syndicate', evil types, moogles, edgelords, people who don't like cheese.


That's about all I can think to say on this. She's not terribly deep or complicated. What you see is more or less what you get. If you think you'd have an interest in meeting her, feel free to reply!

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*raises hand*


My character is actually going to be in the market for a gun, something small that she can conceal. Maybe strapped to a thigh or some such out of the way place, as well as needing a rifle. She has a tendency to keep getting hurt when she enters melee range with a wild beasty. The injuries are starting to annoy her now lol.


I'm usually available in-game weeknights from 9pm-12am EST, later on weekend nights. Also available for Discord RP if you don't mind having to wait a bit between replies.


Character name is Savona Drake.

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We met briefly tonight, but I'd like to rp more :) Someone he can talk shop with and maybe work with on some projects seems fun.  He knows guns well, and can be a tech head himself.  


Also, there can be brofisting :thumbsup:

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Dropped in last night for a bit to try and friend you guys, but didn't have any luck. Sudden bad news kept me distracted last night, so it wasn't a great time anyway. Sorry about that. Feel free to friend me when you're on or add me on Discord to set up something. Lamfhada#1712

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