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Returning to the game, Balmung or Mateus?

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So, I'm planning on picking up Stormblood and trying to get back into FFXIV, now that my life is a little more in order and the expansion seems very good.


But, what server makes more sense right now? 


My main is currently on Balmung, but I have no particular attachment to the server, having been away long enough that likely few players on the server remember me. I would love to buy a house or apartment on sometime, and that does seem somewhat impossible on Balmung, or has that changed?


Anyways, would love to hear people's opinions on both, since I can pick from either despite Balmung being locked. RP quality, how harsh the markets are, etc. Feel free to inform me of anything about either and tell me which you like better.

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Housing's sold out on Mateus, too, as far as I know, so don't let the housing shortage be a deciding factor. I'd say if you already have a character on Balmung, the RP is still going strong there and you may as well check that out. At the same time, if you're able to get a different character started on Mateus (though, I think it's locked for new creation? I don't know), you could always try it out there too and compare/contrast. Just whatever you do, don't transfer that Balmung character off the server, or else by all appearances given all available current data, you may never be able to get back on Balmung again.

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Housing's sold out on Mateus, too, as far as I know, so don't let the housing shortage be a deciding factor. I'd say if you already have a character on Balmung, the RP is still going strong there and you may as well check that out. At the same time, if you're able to get a different character started on Mateus (though, I think it's locked for new creation? I don't know), you could always try it out there too and compare/contrast. Just whatever you do, don't transfer that Balmung character off the server, or else by all appearances given all available current data, you may never be able to get back on Balmung again.


Glad to hear things are still going strong on Balmung, disheartening to hear about the possibly permanent server lock, and housing still being an issue.

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Glad to hear things are still going strong on Balmung, disheartening to hear about the possibly permanent server lock, and housing still being an issue.


At the very least, I routinely see apartments go vacant, so that's an option that's become more available on Balmung. I wouldn't feel too disheartened, anyway. They'd long claimed that PS3 limitations were a key factor in the finite number of houses, and PS3 is no more as of 4.0, so I'd suspect in the coming patches we may see some more housing open up (even aside from the opening of Shirogane, which will - temporarily - open up some houses in LB, Mist, and Goblet).

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Markets are a bit cheaper but far higher velocity on Balmung.  

Housing's about the same on both.  

Balmung still has a bit (read: a lot) more publicly advertised open RP events.


RP is RP wherever you find it.


Lydia's got the right of it.

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I believe apartments are still open on Mateus (some); but I could be wrong- could have sworn a friend got an apt recently. (I can take a look when I get home). Mateus and Balmung both have their discords; perhaps join both and see the posts there and the communities; and the events in their discord channels. This also said, I'm currently maining on Mateus but I do have characters on Balmung (I was originally maining there).

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TBH, I would recommend dedicating a week or so to trying to find RP on each server, over necessarily joining a Discord. If the RP you want to do is in-game, then a Discord won't be representative of the people you're wanting to RP with.


I regularly RP on Balmung... but I'm not in any of the general "Balmung community Discords" any more and, without going into it too much, I don't think I will be again any time soon. I'm sure I'm not alone in that.

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TBH, I would recommend dedicating a week or so to trying to find RP on each server, over necessarily joining a Discord. If the RP you want to do is in-game, then a Discord won't be representative of the people you're wanting to RP with.


I regularly RP on Balmung... but I'm not in any of the general "Balmung community Discords" any more and, without going into it too much, I don't think I will be again any time soon. I'm sure I'm not alone in that.


Eh, I was meaning if people are looking for events specifically because they are posted frequently. (I was finishing up at work and didn't realize I had posted so vaguely) But, yes, I agree with rping around. I only use the discord in passing for event checks. I might post ever so rarely myself.

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And quick update- did a check just now and they are allowing for character creation on Mateus. I think that was when they locked everything down because raids just came out. But it could also be because it's not prime time anymore at this hour.

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At the same time, if you're able to get a different character started on Mateus (though, I think it's locked for new creation? I don't know)


Mateus is still open for transfers/new character creation. It's just no longer on the Preferred Server list.

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I believe apartments are still open on Mateus (some); but I could be wrong- could have sworn a friend got an apt recently. (I can take a look when I get home).


I got an apartment of my own on Mateus not too long ago, and it went through without any issues. I also checked the apartment building in my Ward (Mist Ward 5), and something like half the apartments are empty.


So chances are getting an apartment should be fairly easy on Mateus. (Compared to Balmung pre-SB, where every apartment in every Ward and subdivision in Mist and Lavender Beds was taken.)

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For as long as Balmung is Congested, chances are there are going to be apartments popping open as people who had previously held them transfer away. They tend to stick around in subdivisions for longer, because less people are aware that subdivisions have their own buildings. So it's always worth double-checking them all - chances of finding one are much higher than they were before the server categorisation. But it's still far from a case of just walking up to your building of choice and purchasing one, as it is on Mateus.

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