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Bard by day, Vigilante also by day because people need to sleep. Looking for friends!

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Yeah, so I decided to make a vigilante. He dons his mask and takes justice into his own hands when he feels he needs to! He lost his family to a some bad dudes, and he's out to make sure it doesn't happen to anyone else. Think more 'Spider-Man' than 'Batman' though, because he's definitely not someone who's dark and edgy! He knows the best way to save people is to make sure they're smiling while he does it! I'm open for all parts of the RP! Action, adventure, romance, friendship, all of it!


I'm looking for people to RP with as well as though who are willing to actually play the game with me. I just purchased a level 60 Ninja and got my character up to Heavensward (I have a character on a different server that's made it that far and I didn't want to start ALL the way over, though I'd be willing to start a new class to level with you! Monk has been teasing me, plus I just picked up Machinist and Dark Knight!) I'm in US Eastern Time and can typically play in the evenings (After 7 my time) and on weekends!


I'm excited to hear from you!


Also, Here's the wiki. Definitely a work in progress! Bring your construction hats!


Edit: WHOOPS! I'm on the Balmung Server! Thanks Lydia Lightfoot for letting me know!

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Hey there! 


As a vigilante, you can always tussle with Kasi. Kasi's got a long reputation as a mercenary and has done a lot of arguably very bad things in her lifetime, but she's also done a lot of good things, so she's kind of a grey. It's still enough she could draw someone's ire for some revenge, though. Depends on what, exactly, you're interested in shooting for!

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I've been meaning to reply to you! I love the concept of your character and I think that he would be a fun friend for Alyria! 


A bonus is that an astrologian buddy and I are currently working our way through post HW content. The 'in between' quests before unlocking Stormblood you could say.  It would be nice to add some DPS to our little group. Currently, he heals (because Astro duh! :D) and I'm a Warrior tank (RAWR! :evil:). While we try to RP as much as we can, we do PvE a good bit at least 1 night a week on a marathon night, which this week may be this coming Friday. Regardless, even if we miss each other on the level up grouping I love doing PvE content with FC-mates and friends. My biggest dream is to incorporate PvE Content into the RP so we can have the best of both worlds! 


One quick question. What is your timezone? I typically am on from 6:00 PM CDT onward depending on what I have scheduled. 


Here is her Wiki if you want to read up on her. 


Alyria is also available most Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays for random RP at the Wayfarer's Rest (Ward 6, Plot 58)


It would be great to hear from ya! The Wayfarer's are having a 'Singles Night' Tavern Night tomorrow (08/10) Beginning at 7:00 PM CDT if you want to come introduce yourself. I'll be behind the bar or hosting.


Cheers and please don't mind the randomness. I had A LOT of caffeine today after work. :bouncy:

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