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Newish Player Finallly Settling In on Mateus

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Hello there, everyone! I finally got pointed toward this place by a friendly user on reddit who saw me posting in the FC recruitment sub looking fo ra place to call home and I thought'd I'd kind of stick my head in and say hi and see what was up here. 


I'm relatively new to FFXIV itself but I've had a lot of experience with MMOs and RP within/without them in general and while this is a new step for me it isn't exactly unknown territory. I've yet to really settle in and make myself known in the RP community at large but I hope to do so soon enough and hopefully make some friendships/find some like-minded players.



If anything needs to be known about myself it can be summed up fairly easily. I'm a 25 year old nerd. I like to read, play games (obviously) , RP , and every now and then play some board and card games with my friends. I'm a Pharmacy tech studying to be a pharmacist and though work and school keep me busy I have a fair bit of time committed to my hobbies as well.


It was nice sharing at least a little about myself and I hope in the coming weeks and months I find an FC, meet some folks, and have some great RP. 


Thanks for reading,



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Welcome, fellow 25 year old nerd! :moogle:


The best and quickest way to meet new folk is to poke them here/in game. Maybe poke your head into a few events that interest you (the good people here are rather diligent in keeping the events list up to date).


Mateus is a lively server from what I hear, so don't be shy. Go poke your soon-to-be friends~

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