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Opelia Blacke (v2) - Looking for contacts!

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[align=center]Ophelia Blacke[/align]



About Ophelia: Quiet, but cheerful and full of energy. If left alone, Ophelia will spend her time just people watching or scanning the environment. It often comes across like she's lost inside her own head or, perhaps, just lost in general. She's actually taking in all the little details that people often miss because they're too small or overlook because they take them for granted. If engaged, she more often than not greets others with a smile and is always willing to listen. In fact, she's a much better listener than a conversationalist.


A few years back on a botched job Ophelia sustained a heavy injury. Hidden behind the gorget she wears around her throat lies a wide scar that stretches from one side of her neck to the other. While normally an open person and willing to 'discuss' anything anyone asks her, she's hesitant to talk about the moment that led to her wound. The slash across her neck nearly bled her out and the inexperienced conjurer who attended to her injury on that dark night did so improperly. Ophelia's life was spared, but she can only talk in a faint whisper and doing so irritates her throat greatly. She communicates mostly through facial expressions and gestures. To get more complex points across, she carries a little pouch at her hip with tiny pieces of chalk and a small palm-sized blackboard.


Look on the plus side; she's not going to spill your secrets anytime soon.


During the day, Ophelia makes her living as a fisherwoman, spending her mornings fishing and selling her catch to the markets at Limsa Lominsa, where she lives a simple life in a little home by herself. She's known as a friendly and likeable sort and her comings and goings are so frequent that people usually pay her little mind.


By night, however, Ophelia works as a scout, infiltration specialist and information gatherer for hire, going by the name of 'Whisper'. More often than not, however, her services are employed by the Rogues, helping them uphold the unspoken code of thieves and pirates. When 'on duty' for the guild she changes her clothing completely and dons a mask to protect her identity. Her eye for detail and silent nature make her a valuable agent to those that need to learn something they shouldn't.



-Excellent covert operative

-Capable knife fighter

-Great memory

-Great inductive reasoning skills

-Excellent at fishing

-Awful cook

-Even worse liar

-Susceptible to succumbing to curiosity





Roleplay Hooks:

-Is your character in the Rogues?

-Does your character want information?

-Does your character need something stolen or transported?

-Does your character recognize Ophelia from the markets?

-Does your character somehow know Ophelia is living a double life?

-Do you have information someone might hire Ophelia to get from you?

-Have you broken the code?



About Me: I re-worked my character since switching over to Rogue (Ninja, soon) as my primary class. Since I didn't get a chance to roleplay very much yet, this won't cause any issues. I'm still a little new to Final Fantasy XIV, so I'm not up on my lore just yet, but I've been playing MMO's on and off since WoW dropped Wrath of The Lich King. As you can tell by the title, I'm on Mateus, and I play at odd times during the week, with more frequency during the weekends. I'm on the east coast of the United States, so I'm on EST. If you're interested in RP, post something here, or message me in-game. I also have Discord (for text-based RP outside of the game). Thank you!

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