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Hey Balmung, what are some events I should copy?


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I didnt know if I should post this here or in the events section. Also I do plan on looking through all the Balmung events at some point.


I've been RP'ing for over a month now on Mateus and love it. Love meeting people and getting into plots. However, 99% of my RP has taken place at tavern gatherings, with someone doing the occasional hunt.


I'm looking for events, or RP night ideas or plots to mix things up a bit. Something that doesn't involve hanging out in a tavern or hunting some beast. Something I can grab a couple people and go have fun for an hour or two, or an awesome event that my FC can possibly host.


I saw the event page swamped with Balmung events, so I thought I would ask you all. What is an awesome event or plot you have done that I should take for a spin?

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You don't always have to be stuck in an FC house or city tavern. Depending on the scale and how long / how IC you want to make them, you can:


- organize 24-mans: I find these are the ones most in demand by people looking for clears. Easy with 255+ gear, usually ends with FC hosts writing an IC after-action report.


- organize an overarching plot through maps/dungeons: most recent one I DMed for friends was Edda's tragedy. Started in Tam-Tara Hard, eventually culminated in PotD floor 100. PCs acted out some scenes and character journals through our Skype group. Got delightfully Silent Hill-ish at times.


- organize recurring slice of life activities out in the world. Even after SB my favorite for this is still Idyllshire, followed closely by Azim Steppe and Mor Dhona. Ul'dah and Kugane are way too crowded.


It's easy to get tricked into the Goldshire/Ul'dah-one-tavern-forever mindset, but I think you'll find enough bites once you advertise.

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Bumping to hopefully get more discussions and ideas. After talking to people I have found the following ideas:


1) IC mining and botany expeditions.


2) camping trips. Find some of the cooler places of Eorzia to see and visit, and turn it into a hiking/ camping trip


3) RP THE treasure maps. The owner figures out where it is, then gives RP descriptive clues so the group can figure out where it is.


4) RP palace of the dead. Basically if someone springs a trap deal with it in game then deal with it RP wise. Can even maybe RP a couple mobs per level after clearing it for real. But have fun RP Ing the stones or even someone turning into the succubus haha

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With all the seasonal events coming up in game, those may give you some opportunities to set things up.   I've rarely seen a seasonal event not have a large turn out as people are already getting into the 'feel' of it through the quest lines.

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