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Super new player

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I have been playing FFXIV for 2 weeks now and I only have a little experience with other MMOs. I played ESO for a little while and WoW for a month but neither really appealed to me the way this one has.


As far as RP goes, I have a lot of experience with tabletop rpgs but that's it. Though I have always been interested in online RP, this will my first time giving it a shot.


My main character is a Keeper Miqo'te currently on Siren, but planning to switch to Balmung because I hear that is where all the RP is at.


If you don't mind playing with someone who is super new then feel free to message me! Especially if you play on PS4. :D

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As a warning, Balmung is still currently on lockdown and won't accept new or transferred characters. :(


The alternative is currently Mateus (or Omega and... Louisoix, I think?... if you're EU), though there are small RP communities scattered about a few other servers like Jenova and... I wanna say Faerie. In either case, even though Balmung's off the market right now, there's still plenty of other places to get your RP on! I wish you the best of luck and hope you find yourself your own little place in the RP community. :thumbsup:


(And, of course, there's always the options of RPing via Discord or on the forums here which can happen regardless of server!)

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Welcome, adorable new person! I am happy to see you have chosen the Keeper master race~


Echoing that Balmung is unfortunately on lockdown for the forseeable future, Mateus is the NA place to be and Omega is the EU place to be (with smaller communities popping up on other servers, of course).


The community is generally pretty helpful, so best of luck to you wherever you end up!

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