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Returning player seeking connections!

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Hey there all, I played way back around when the game launched but never did find a good RP group to settle in with. After all this time i've decided to give things another shot! For some info, i'll follow a questionnaire I found in a friend's thread. I play all male characters both on Balmung and Mateus. I'll include a little info about each that i'm currently playing as well.

A few questions: 

  • Which character archtypes do your males typically channel?
  • Is there a specific dynamic that you want to achieve with your long-term partner? Such as family cohesion, arch nemesis, rival, romantic entwining, or just someone to be able to log in with and say, "Let's go hit up a tavern together!" 
  • What aspect of RP do you enjoy most?


1. Bardal Merilius is my main on Balmung. He's a dedicated White Mage that aspires to become an Astrologian; he's inquisitive and loves the opportunity to be helpful in other people's problems, just as he enjoys traveling and mending sicknesses and injuries wherever he goes. He's bookish, shy, quiet, and meek, not to mention squeamish. He's the youngest of three siblings. His ultimate goal is to become a master of magic in all its forms, but his meek tendencies shy him away from harmful magic. He's kind to a fault when you can get him to talk. 


X'yhuzu Tia is a recently retired street urchin, having panhandled enough for a membership to the pugilist's guild. He's easily distracted, aloof, clumsy, and an outgoing jokester. He enjoys the fact he earns money by punching things people don't like, even if he's not all that good at it yet. He's on Mateus.


Sigfred Sadler is an aspiring Dark Knight, but will sit tight as a Gladiator/PLD until then. He's impulsive, stubborn, regal, prideful, a bit snobbish, and certainly my most serious of the three. He's on Mateus. He was adopted into a declining merchant family who couldn't have children of their own, basically plucked out of a lower-class life and becoming spoiled because of it. His adoptive family looks to him to try and restore the family status. He has a good heart, but he's difficult to stand at first. He's not used to having anyone around that can put up with him for long, so he's fairly dismissive, but once he makes some actual friends he'd be a loyal one.



2. As far as dynamics go, just about anything is on the table. All three would welcome connections of any and all kinds. Bardal isn't fond of taverns or a night out on the town, but it wouldn't be impossible if he was nagged to go. Friends, Family, Rivals, even romances wouldn't be out of the question. Really I just enjoy leaving things to be flexible with the developing RP.


3. I mostly enjoy just that sense of community, a group of people involving their characters in a shared story and narrative wherever it leads. I think it's great watching characters develop alongside each other as things unfold. 


Note: On Mateus, i'm also plenty willing to roll new. Bardal is my only higher-leveled character if it matters much, sitting at just above 50. I'm new to Mateus! On both servers, none of my characters are in FC's or anything of the sort.


Thanks for reading, and I hope to bump into plenty of you in-game!

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Ooh! If you're looking for a connection in Balmung, feel free to hit me up either on here on in-game! :thumbsup:


My own character is very enthusiastic about learning about anything aether-related, and especially anything healing-wise, so I think it would be fun to connect!


Either way, I wish you the absolute best on your search for more connections on Balmung and Mateus both! :D

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