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LF dedicated RP partner and FC

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I am looking for a dedicated long term romance partner for my raen dark knight kittra. This request will see a bit odd but there is a reason to it. I prefer a female noble or clan leader (who leads a RP FC) I am seeking romance/story but also to help the FC grow from within, I do not mind starting at the bottom ranks oocly but icly I would like to have kittrah as a personal guard who is also romanced with said person. I do not expect to gain any power through this it is simply to fill a story that kittra was made for long ago before the person quit. Below is a picture of her please pm me on here or add Magikarp's Ghost#4671 on discord. Also please be available daily for RP on discord or game. and no alts, I am tired of pairing my main with an alt only to have them vanish.


Bit about her


Kit appears 16 but is actually 23, she is cursed to not age (think presea from tales of symphonia) She is a tomboy though can be elegant and proper if required. she is natural female (flat chested though) and skilled with a blade. I will let the rest be learned via IC interactions. She also prefers females over men but may settle for a male if she finds one who is not rude/cruel or overly "manly"


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